“The Life of Saul (Pre-conversion of Paul)”

Sermon Title: The Life of Saul (Pre-conversion of Paul)
Scripture: Acts 21:39-22:5 ESV

Introduction - Context of the Passage

In this passage, we witness a tumultuous moment in Paul's life as he faces persecution from a mob in Jerusalem. Accused of defiling the temple by associating with Gentiles, Paul is attacked by the angry crowd. Amidst the chaos, a Roman official intervenes, allowing Paul to address the crowd and defend himself. This pivotal moment offers insight into Saul's life before his transformation into the apostle Paul.

Tarsus - Home and Birthplace of Saul

Saul hails from Tarsus, a city renowned for its educational and cultural prominence. Situated at the crossroads of Eastern and Western cultures, Tarsus provided Saul with exceptional opportunities for learning and growth. As a citizen of no obscure city, Saul enjoyed the privilege of receiving a quality education and being exposed to diverse cultural influences.

Educational Privilege of Tarsus

Tarsus, though not as famous as Athens or Alexandria, boasted exceptional educational institutions. Saul benefited from rigorous training in various fields, including philosophy, Greek and Roman culture, and his Jewish heritage. His upbringing equipped him with a deep understanding of both Eastern and Western traditions.

Cultural Privilege of Tarsus

As the capital of the Roman province of Cilicia, Tarsus thrived as a vital trading hub, attracting influential figures from around the world. Its unique blend of Eastern and Western cultures shaped Saul's worldview and prepared him for his future endeavors.

Birth Status and Upbringing of Saul

Saul's identity as a Jew was central to his upbringing, instilling in him a profound understanding of Jewish customs and traditions. Raised in the Hellenistic world, he was fluent in both Hebrew and Greek, reflecting the diverse cultural influences of his upbringing. Additionally, Saul's Roman citizenship afforded him significant privileges and protections within the empire.

Training under Gamaliel

Under the tutelage of Gamaliel, Saul received an unparalleled education in Jewish law and theology. Gamaliel, a revered figure among Jewish scholars, imparted his wisdom to Saul, shaping his intellect and worldview. Despite his esteemed mentor's counsel to let the followers of Jesus be, Saul zealously persecuted the early Christians, driven by his misguided beliefs about the Messiah.

Saul the Persecutor of Christians

Saul's vehement opposition to Jesus and his disciples stemmed from his misconceptions about the Messiah's role. Like many Jews of his time, Saul anticipated a militant leader who would liberate Israel from Roman rule. Jesus' teachings and actions contradicted Saul's expectations, leading him to reject Jesus as the Messiah and persecute his followers relentlessly.

Application - God's Unconscious Preparation

My brothers and sisters, as we have seen from Paul's life, one of the ways that God works in our lives is through his unconscious preparation. God orchestrates certain aspects of our lives without our choice to prepare us for his purposes. For Paul, this included his birth in Tarsus, his Jewish heritage, his Roman citizenship, and his education under Gamaliel. These factors uniquely equipped him to become the Apostle Paul, establishing churches and authoring significant portions of the New Testament.

God similarly prepares each of us for his plans. We may not choose our birthplace, parents, or circumstances, but God uses these elements to shape us for his purposes. So may we trust his plan and embrace the preparation he provides, recognizing God's sovereignty in our lives

-        This practically means that if you’re working in a corporate environment, you could be gaining skills in management, communication, and strategic planning. And perhaps God might be growing you in that area to place you in a leadership position for a later time, whether in a different work setting or even in the church.

-        IT could also mean that if you have battled a serious illness, or gone through ha traumatizing event, perhaps God is developing in you a profound empathy and understanding for others going through similar struggles. This personal experience can make you a powerful source of comfort and encouragement for others.

-        Whatever circumstance or experience you might have had in the past or having at the moment that’s beyond your choice and decision, what we need to remember is that God is shaping us and preparing us for His divine and perfect purposes

In light of this truth,

1. First, Let us recognize God’s hand in our lives as we reflect on our lives and see how God has been preparing us through our experiences. We need to trust that He has a purpose for everything you have gone through.

2. Secondly, Let us trust in God’s timing and plan - that even when circumstances are challenging or confusing, we would trust that God is in control and His plan is perfect. You might not understand why you are in a particular environment or situation right now, but believe that God is using this time to prepare you for future opportunities.

3. Lastly, Embrace your current role - meaning Be faithful and diligent in your current responsibilities, knowing that God is using this time to equip you for His greater purpose.

If you are a student or if you’re a working professional, approach your studies and work with dedication, understanding that the knowledge and skills you acquire will be used by God in ways you might not yet foresee.

Reflection and Response

As we contemplate Saul's transformation into Paul, let us recognize God's hand at work in our own lives. Trusting in God's timing and plan, let us embrace the journey, knowing that every experience is part of His preparation for us. As we commit ourselves to faithful service, may we remain open to God's leading, confident that He is shaping us for His specific purposes.

Let us take a moment to reflect on God's sovereignty in our lives and respond in prayer, acknowledging His guidance and provision.

  Reflect on the concept of God's providential preparation in Saul's life, guiding him through diverse circumstances toward his ultimate calling as Paul the Apostle. How does this perspective encourage you to trust in God's sovereign plan for your own life, even in times of uncertainty or adversity?

  In what ways can you discern God's hand in the seemingly mundane or challenging aspects of your life, recognizing that every experience contributes to your spiritual formation and equips you for God's purpose? How can you cultivate a posture of surrender and openness to God's leading in your daily life?


“Saul the Persecutor of Christians”


“The Cost of Discipleship”