This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the Lent season. Throughout church history, Christians have designated this time leading up to Easter for spiritual renewal and often, with fasting. Some of us also do "digital fast" in order to focus on Christ more intentionally in the season of Lent.
As a church, we will be journeying together this Lent in the following 3 ways.
First is the 40 Days of Prayer that starts this Wednesday morning. Meeting via Zoom at 6:30 AM on weekdays and 8 AM on Saturdays, we will read the Bible together and pray with one another.
Secondly, for 7 Sundays during Lent, we will have a Pre-Service Prayer Time at 9:20, 10 minutes before service starts. It will be a guided prayer time to help us to prepare our hearts for worship and to pray for important topics as a church family.
Thirdly, our EC children and families will be receiving a Lent Bible Reading Plan this Sunday along with weekly Family Worship guides (like they did for Advent last year). This will also be available digitally on our website so we welcome you to follow along even if you're not in Kindergarten to Gr. 12!
We encourage you to participate and be part of these opportunities and resources during this season of Lent.
We are hosting a Mission Conference for the GTA with Dr. Christopher Wright as the keynote speaker on Saturday, March 29, 2025. The conference will include three teaching sessions by Dr. Wright as well as 10 breakout sessions by field experts and thought leaders in various missions-related topics.
For more information, please visit our website. To register, you can go directly to the Eventbrite page.
Regular Rate (Feb. 24–Mar. 23, 2025): $30 (includes lunch)
At the Door: $20 (lunch not included)
If you are attending the conference and would like to volunteer, here are the four areas where we need your help:
1) Registration Desk: processing registration (8-9:30 AM)
2) Break-out Sessions: recording during the session (1-4 PM)
3) Operations Assistance: various areas to run the conference smoothly (8 AM-5:30 PM)
4) Coffee & Refreshments: serving coffee and snacks during break times (10 AM-4:30 PM)
In total, we are looking for about 20 volunteers, and your duties will not hinder your ability to attend and participate in the conference.
All volunteers will need to come early on Saturday for an orientation and prayer at 7:30 AM as the door will open to welcome people at 8 AM.
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Charles Lee (
Our church is dedicated to raising disciples of Jesus who love Him and His people. If you have a heart for the next generation and want to serve the children of His Kingdom, please contact Assistant Director Sunny. We are especially in need of volunteers for Mustard Seeds!
Our Education Committee Family Day Skating has been rescheduled to Sunday, March 2, from 3:30 - 5:00 PM. For families who previously registered for the original date but can no longer make it to the new date, please contact Assistant Director Sunny for a refund.
Coffee Break is an inductive Bible study that fosters learning and the deep discovery of the Word of God together in friendly and low-key small groups. Using an informal approach of questions, Coffee Break encourages people to discover for themselves what the Bible says and means for their lives. Through the application and sharing of life in light of God's Word, we strive for spiritual growth together.
Discover Jonah: The story of Jonah and the great fish is one of the best-known stories of the Bible. But Jonah’s encounter with a huge fish is not even the most important part of the story. Instead, the main purpose of this story is to show us who God is and His love for humanity. What you learn about Jonah as you study may surprise you. What you learn about God may truly astound you!
Audience: Open to all ladies
Facilitator: Hannah Lee (
Time: Tuesdays OR Thursdays,10 AM-12 PM, starting March 18 or March 20 (6 weeks)
Location: Hybrid (via Zoom with 1-2 in-person meetings)
Additional Info: $20 registration fee
Registration Deadline: March 2, 2025
We are currently seeking volunteers in the following areas.
First, the Sunday Snacks team has been faithfully serving our members and guests every Sunday, and we are seeking new members to join our snacks team for the 2025 season. Volunteers will share the tasks of purchasing, setting up, serving, and cleaning up.
Second, we are seeking two volunteers to assist with dishwashing on a rotational basis every Sunday. You would be committing no more than an hour of your time immediately after our fellowship snack time each Sunday.
If you have the heart to serve our community, please contact Heidi Park or Deacon Terry Lim in the fellowship hall or kitchen on any given Sunday. We would love to serve with you.
We have an immediate opening for a part-time Administrative Assistant. Working alongside our pastoral team and the officers, you will have the opportunity to use your unique God-given gifts and talents to plan and execute various facets of church ministry. We invite you to pray for God's direction before applying and discern His call throughout the application process.
Click here for details about the position.
To apply, please submit your cover letter and resume to
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Charles Lee (
Summer Germany Missions applications are now open!
If you are passionate about praying for Germany and witnessing how God is working globally through our ministry partners, then we invite you to prayerfully consider joining our team this year! The mission trip is tentatively scheduled for mid to late July.
The application deadline is March 16, 2025
More information about the application process is on the form or you can email the Overseas Missions Team (
Thank you for your giving and tithes that enable us to do the important work of the church. The 2024 tax receipts have been emailed to everyone who gave last year.
If you have not received yours yet, please email the finance committee ( with the subject line "tax receipt" and indicate your name, campus and phone number.
We have the following lineup of classes that will be taking place throughout 2025. Classes range from biblical studies, to mission training and even membership and baptism classes.
As the classes have different registration deadlines, please visit the CLASSES MISSISSAUGA page to register before it's too late!
If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Jonathan Hong (
Mar 18: Coffee Break Small Group: Discover Jonah
Mar. 9: Christian Essentials
Mar. 30: Baptism Class
Apr. 26: New Hope 101 (Membership Class)
Apr. 27: Alpha
On Sundays, we will have people available to pray for you in the sanctuary immediately after the service.
If you have specific prayer requests or want to be encouraged in your faith in God, please come to the front of the sanctuary (near the choir section). Our pastors and the intercessory prayer team would be happy to pray with you.
As a church family, we follow the Robert Murray M’Cheyne (RMM)’s two-year Bible reading plan. For 2025, we will be on year-2 which will take us through the second half of the Old Testament, plus all of the New Testament and Psalms.
You can pick up a paper copy from the Welcome Table (by the entrance), download the PDF or subscribe to the Google calendar reading plan.
Starting Point is a space where people new(er) to our church can find a place of belonging, build friendships and learn more about our church. The purpose is to have a consistent, intentional gathering space after service on Sundays. If you are new and have not been to the Starting Point, please come and join us. All are welcome!
Starting Point meets on first Sundays of each month at 11:15 AM the Fellowship Hall (come to the Newcomers Table first). New people are always welcome!
For more information, please speak to Frances or Randy Kim.
If you’re a university/college student, we would love for you to join our College and Young Adults (CYA) gatherings after service every Sunday at 12:30 PM in Room #316 and every Fridays at 7 PM in Room #312. Come and join our mission-driven community of young people as we learn to follow Christ as we care for one another. New people are always welcome!
For current information about the group, please check out the group's Instagram page (@nhf.cya) or contact Pastor David (