At New Hope Fellowship, we believe in the joy of giving (2 Corinthians 9:7). More than being a rule to follow, we give because God is our ultimate provider and gives us everything we need to live and do the good work He has called us to do (2 Corinthians 9:8). We value the discipline of giving our tithes and offerings because it reflects the same faithful, generous and gracious heart of our Father.
Thank you for your giving and tithes that enable us to do the important work of the church. The 2024 tax receipts have been emailed to everyone who gave last year.
If you have not received yours yet, please email the finance committee (finance@newhopefellowship.ca) with the subject line "tax receipt" and indicate your name, campus and phone number.
We are grateful for your generous and faithful giving--in time and money and in many other ways. Many of us give regular tithes which are used for various ministries and missions work of the church. There is another type of giving that you can do, which is called "Love Offering." This is a specific type of giving that is given to assist those who are in financial emergencies and hardships within our church. It is a tangible means for you to extend love and care to those identified by the church as facing difficult circumstances.
In this season, the Love Offering received will be used to get winter clothes for those in need in our community.
You can give Love Offering through our online giving platform, by choosing "Love Offering".
For more information, you can check out our online giving page on our website.
For other ways to support New Hope Fellowship, please get in touch at give@newhopefellowship.ca!
There are three ways to give your tithes and offerings to New Hope Fellowship:
1. Cash or Cheque
When attending a Sunday service, you may place your cash or cheque in the offering box near the entrance of the sanctuary as you enter or exit.
Be sure to include your name and address on the cheque or envelope, so your contribution may be credited to you for tax purposes.
2. E-Transfer
If you cannot attend our services at one of our physical locations, or if you prefer to give online, we welcome giving through Interac e-transfer!
When you choose an e-transfer, we’re able to save on credit card acceptance fees.
Our banking partner does not yet support auto-deposit, so please use the following details for the transfer:
Email: give@newhopefellowship.ca
Security answer: please send your security answer to the email above
Please consider creating a Giving profile online as well! It would help our finance team immensely when issuing tax receipts*.
3. Online Giving
We also accept online giving through Stripe (a PCI Level 1 compliant payment processor) to ensure your credit or debit card details are handled securely.
To donate to our Benevolence Fund, select “COVID-19” in the drop-down box.
*In accordance with Canada Revenue Agency regulations, official tax receipts can only be issued to the name matching your credit card or cheque. While you can honour someone else by making a donation, the receipt can only be issued in the donor’s name.