“Living As Bold Witnesses” - Acts 4:23-31

Sermon series:  Unstoppable Work of the Holy Spirit
Sermon Title:  Living As Bold Witnesses
Scripture: Acts 4:23-31


Some of the characteristics which marked the early church were courage and boldness.

Dr. Martin Luther King defined courage and boldness as “"an inner resolution to go forward despite obstacles". We see that when someone is filled with the spirit, a distinguished sense of boldness characterizes that person. 

The Holy Spirit empowers us to be bold witnesses of the gospel. Whatever your role, wherever you are, whether you are a college student or working, whether young or old, strong or weak – God intends to fill all of us with the Spirit so we may partner with Him in the Great Commission (Matt 28:16-20).


In Acts 3, Peter and John heal a man who couldn’t walk for 40 years. As Peter is preaching about Jesus and the gospel, the religious leaders are offended. Peter and John are then summoned by the religious council and commanded to be silent about Jesus. 

  • The apostles respond that they cannot help but speak about what they have seen and what they have heard (4:20)

Though the religious leaders were unhappy with the apostles, they release them. Peter and John upon returning to the church, petition the first recorded prayer of the church in the book of Acts (Acts 4:24-30)

  • The apostles’ prayer is for the Lord to equip them to speak the truth with great boldness (4:29)

If we were in the same situation of being arrested for proclaiming our faith in Jesus Christ, maybe we would pray “Lord, We almost got killed doing ministry. So Lord, keep us safe! Lord, protect your servants! Keep those evil doers away from us.” 

  • Instead, Peter and John pray for boldness and courage, rather than for safety and protection

  • In historical times, the church was not always bold

    • The Spirit’s coming changed things, and people 

  • The church before the Spirit came is like us now. We do not live boldly and courageously, but we are instead stuck, fearful, and in hiding. With our lives, we live protecting our safety and security. Missing out on God’s invitation to do great things through us.

  • We are not bold because we are afraid

  • These fears are unwarranted for Jesus’ Name is behind us! We can push through! God’s blessings are unimagined and unexpected but are waiting for us on the other side of boldness!


In their situation, why did Peter and John pray for boldness rather than safety and protection? 

  • They did so because they understood the power behind having the Holy Spirit’s presence, and this presence being the Spirit and empowerment of Jesus Christ

  • When you know God is with you, you can be bold!

So then, what does it mean to be bold? 

  • Courageously saying ‘yes’ as the Spirit is moving us outside of our comfort zone

  • Proclaiming our faith and the gospel with those around us

  • Honesty in our words and actions 

  • Vulnerability in sharing life 

  • Addressing our past

  • Speaking up when something is not right

As we live in this way, may it be said of our lives in Acts 4:13 – we are women and men who walk with Jesus and live boldly as a community with Christ!

Post-sermon questions:

  1. Meditate: What’s your personality like? Are you a bold person? 

  2. Reflect: Are you astonished by how frank and open the apostles are in proclaiming the gospel and calling out the sins of the religious leaders? What do their actions and response teach you about the boldness we can have by the Name of Christ?

  3. Application: What’s one thing you can do this coming week to respond with boldness and courage to God’s invitation to do great things in you?


“The Fruit of the Spirit (Part 1 of 2)” - Galatians 5:16-26


“Invitation to God’s Mission” - Jeremiah 1:4-10