“The Selfless Humility of the Holy Spirit” - John 16:12-15

Sermon series:  Unstoppable Work of the Holy Spirit
Sermon Title:  The Selfless Humility of the Holy Spirit
Scripture: John 16:12-15


In today’s passage, Jesus focuses on the central work of the Holy Spirit: to point back to Him (John 16:13b-14). 

There can be many spiritual signs of the Holy Spirit's presence in someone's life; many different signs of the Holy Spirit's presence within a church. While the Spirit’s power may bring healing, miracles, and more – the greater sign, or the most certain sign of the Holy Spirit’s presence is the centrality of Jesus

The Spirit is most present in our lives, most present in the church when Jesus is most central –the Spirit points us to Jesus. 

Jesus says in vv14: “He will glorify me because it is from me that He will receive what he will make known to you.”


  • Though the Spirit is part of the Trinity, He does not want any of the glory. Instead, He points to the glory of Jesus. Why? 

  • The Trinity and centrality

    • The Father, the Son, and the Spirit

    • Co-exist, co-eternal, co-equal

    • Utterly other-centered 

  • Humans, the church, and centrality

    • Self-centered and seeks to glorify oneself

    • This way of life is the core of sin

  • The Spirit’s central focus is to lead the church and us to keep Jesus as the center focus 

  • How can the Spirit be so selfless? How can the Spirit be so other-centered?

    • The Spirit can be selfless and humble, because the Spirit is secure.

  • What do we witness as the selfless humility of the Spirit is permeating in our lives?

    • Live in the security of God’s love and acceptance

    • Jesus and His glory is central, not your own glory

    • We live in the the Word of God 

  • Jesus is the truth, and Jesus is the Word

  • The Spirit points us to Jesus, and guides us into living a life

    • Found in the Word

    • Convicted in the Word

    • Empowered in the Word

    • Obedient to the Word

Key Bible passages:

  • John 14:6

  • John 1:1

  • John 3:30

Post-sermon questions:

  1. Meditate: How have you lived in a way which keeps the spotlight on yourself, rather than on Jesus? 

  2. Reflect: Are there certain areas in your life where Jesus is the center, and other areas where He is not? When are you able to surrender to having Jesus as the center? 

  3. Application: An indicator of our centering on Jesus is our living in the Word. What is your routine in reading Scripture? Are you found, convicted, empowered, or obedient to the Word in your daily living?


“Taken by the Wind of the Spirit” - John 3:1-8


“The Presence of the Holy Spirit” - John 16:1-7