“Wisdom of our Words” - Proverbs 18:21

Sermon series:  Navigating Life with Proverbs
Sermon Title:  Wisdom of our Words
Scripture: Proverbs 18:21


“If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all” – this is a well-known proverb advising us to be careful of what we say. Words can give life to people through love and spreading the Gospel, but words also have the power to condemn and hurt others. In a society where technology provides a global platform to spread our words to an even wider audience, we need to be even more responsible of what we say than ever before.

In Matthew 12:36, Jesus tells us “on the day of judgement people will give account for every careless word they speak,”. To Jesus, even the smallest words we say to others (to our family, friends, co-workers, and even strangers) carry importance in the end.


As we continue into the Book of Proverbs, we will be looking at the importance of our words and how we can use our words wisely to love our neighbors and glorify God. The Proverbs:

·         Are tried and tested principles for us to flourish as the people of God while honouring Him

·         Is a book of many different themes, with the most written about topic on the words one speaks

·         Emphasizes the significance of words and the impacts it can have on a life

·         Life-giving words build while foolish words lead to tension and separation

The power of words externally:

·         Consequences include relational brokenness, regret, separation, and disappointment

·         Instances of gossip, judgment, criticism, comparison, or separation

·         Our tongues are powerful and can destroy

The power of words internally:

·         We allow words to find their ways into our minds, which feed into our hearts, and these words can end up dictating a life which is diminished and suppressed

·         We are the culmination of words we’ve internalized throughout the years

·         We make decisions based on the shaping of these words in determining who we are and what we can achieve

·         The evil one keeps us captive through manipulative thoughts and circumstances

To combat against the schemes of the epidemic of death words in our cultures, there is good news. Jesus is our Word who reigns supreme over all other words spoken out there.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John 1:1).

·         Jesus has power over every negative and false word spoken over us by this world

·         As the church, we are not subjected to the world’s words, but the Word in Jesus alone!

·         When you choose to root your identity in God, deceiving and misleading words will and cannot be your destruction

What you receive is what you can give:

·         If you choose to hinge your life on the life-giving words of Christ, you are sustained by and able to give life-giving words also

·         Therefore, making time for God through silence, prayer, and meditation in the scriptures is very essential so you may be filled with and impart life-giving wisdom


How are we to be wise with our words?   

Talk less, listen more

·         Maintaining a reflective posture and prayerful life in discerning when to speak and how much to say

·         Not every word needs to ultimately be said

Wait to speak when angry

·         A refresher for some of us, though we know to be true, we can fail to do so when it comes time for it

·         It feels like you just must get a word in, or respond so to be the last one to speak

·         Instead, reflect on why the triggered response is to get so angry, displeased, upset, or frustrated; our emotions can be displaced sometimes

Speak the truth even when the cost is high

·         Tough love is needed, especially from trusted believers within the church

·         There will be tension in speaking the truth by wisdom, but the Bible tells us to speak the true in love

Choose your life-giving words and timing carefully

·         Learn to speak life-giving words

·         Transform the way you show your appreciation and thanksgiving through the choice and thought behind your words

·         Timing is crucial for the ability to discern well contributes to meeting what the other person needs in the moment, rather than what you think is right in that moment

You are invited to reflect on which of the four areas of wisdom you need to grow in, where you may be in your walk with the Lord, and whether a careful consideration and examination is needed in how you choose to speak words of life to those around you.

Sermon reflection questions:
1.       What is more toxic in your life now: is it the words you receive externally or the words you ruminate on internally? Where do these words come from (e.g.: family, friends, social media)?

2.       Who is a person you speak words of life to? Who do you speak words of death to?

3.       Where do you get your words of life from? Is it through time spent in prayer, meditation, scripture, through fellowship, or?


“Wisdom of Keeping Our Hearts” - Proverbs 4:11-27


“Wisdom of Searching for Wisdom” - Proverbs 2:1-5