“Hospitality as a Mission”

Sermon Title: Hospitality as a Mission
Scripture: Matthew 9:9-13

Pastor John shares a previous experience where he was pastoring a youth community where he did not feel belonging or accepted by the members. He drives home the difference that openness and acceptance plays in the midst of people seeking to connect with one another, and the simple impact of hospitality in inviting others to sit with us.

The Message

Jesus receives Matthew and calls him to become His disciple. As a response, Matthew is overjoyed and decides to throw a party in celebration. However, Matthew's act of generosity is immediately targeted by the Pharisees (v11). Jesus' response reinforces the need for hospitality and is in line with a transformed heart that has accepted Christ.

  1. Hospitality as mission requires making space for outsiders: no matter the type of person Jesus encounters, the sick, the hurt, the corrupt, etc. - He creates space for them to enter into His midst. Not with a hidden agenda or plan, Jesus doesn't force change in those who come to Him, He just creates a space of welcome and hospitality.

  2. Hospitality as mission calls us to redefine and rethink holiness: Jesus is introducing a new understanding of holiness to us. Rather than to abstain from people or circumstances that are unclean, we can think about holiness being about what we offer ourselves to. This leads to transformed hearts and minds that desire and offer love, compassion, kindness, and an invitational presence.

Hospitality is a way to healing. There is power in Christians who are willing to be present with other without trying to fix or change them.. let go and let God do the changing; let go and let God do the fixing; and let go and God do the healing. We can simply offer our hospitality, in which we are not trying to change people but to offer them a space where change and healing can take place.


Jesus has invited us to have a seat at the table with Him. We have the opportunity to offer this Good News to others who do not yet have a personal relationship with Jesus. If we maintain the mindset that only certain groups of people can sit at the table with Jesus, we will miss out on those opportunities where we are called to create a space to welcome others who desperately need Christ's love and transformative efforts. His grace and mercy is freely available to all.


  1. Do you enjoy inviting others into your home? If not, what prevents you from inviting, hosting, and serving others in your home?

  2. Do you think you struggle with limiting who you share the Good News to? Where do these biases and assumptions come from?

  3. What is 1 thing you will focus on this week, in asking Christ to help you to have a renewed mind to create space for others?

Note: If you are a member of New Hope DT campus, are baptized, have an interest in writing, and would like to serve through helping write sermon outlines, contact me here.


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