“2024 Vision Message: From Generation To Generation”

Sermon Title: 2024 Vision Message: From Generation To Generation
Scripture: Psalm 145:1-7 ESV


New Hope Fellowship DT believes that God has given us a new direction and vision to grow as a multigenerational church, but is this biblical? Is this in accordance with God’s will as revealed in Scripture? Yes. The value and idea of a multigeneration community or church found throughout Scripture and it originates from the very nature of our triune God.


Heart of a Multigenerational Church in Psalm 145:1-7

Psalm 145 is called the Psalm of Praise. It was credited to David, who was King of Israel and also Israel’s greatest worship leader. We find a profound truth of God’s will for all generations:

·      Psalm 145:1-7, reveals to us that God created humanity for the purpose of praising and worshiping Him. God knew that we experience our greatest happiness and fulfillment when we are in praise and worship of something.

·      God intended for us to worship Him in a relationship of love, but we have turned to the pleasures and passions of the world (idolatry)

·      In verses 1-3, the original Hebrew grammar begins with the singular, but as it shifts to verses 4-7, the grammar shifts to the plural. David begins his praise and worship by himself, but he doesn’t end by himself but with “they/them”. Who are they? Verse 4 tells us that “they” are “one generation to another.” In other words, ALL generations.

·      God instructs us to lead and teach the younger generations in the ways of the Lord and show them how they find their greatest happiness and fulfillment in God.  When the older generation does not make this a priority in all areas of their life and make God an option, the younger generation will see God as unnecessary.

·      All generations have a contribution to make, a chapter in the story that God is writing in the church.


What does multigenerational look like in our everyday?

·      Titus 2:1-8 shows a wonderful example of praise and worship exemplified through a believer’s life. We see God’s establishment of a generational order and function between older and younger men and women. The older generation are to be a witness of Christ to the younger and help them pursue a life of godliness and spiritual maturity through patience, love, and compassion. While the younger have the responsibility of following in humbleness and obedience.

·      The humble heart is willing to learn even from the faith of a child, while a prideful heart says that they don’t need other people and they can grow in their faith by themselves.

·      Here we see a wonderful example of praise and worship exemplified through a life of godliness. We see an example of God’s establishment of a generational order and function for older and younger men and women. Older generations are to be mature in action and spirituality where their life acts as a witness to others about God. Not just the older generations but all generations are to pursue godliness in their lives which reflects Christ to others. We can only do that when we know what it looks like and God gives us the responsibility to show each other what it looks like when it is lived out in our lives. The older generation is to instruct the younger with love, patience, and compassion, while the younger are to learn in humbleness and obedience, and they too are to look to those who are behind them and extend a hand to pull them up as well.

·      It is a humble heart that is willing to learn from others. A prideful heart says that I don’t need others, I’m fine on my own and with others like me. A humble heart is willing to learn even from the spirituality of a child. We cannot put away the passions of this world, we cannot pursue a life of righteousness and godliness before God without each other.


An accurate picture of the self and Christ

·      The greatest reason why we need each other from the youngest to the oldest is because without each other, we cannot know who you are fully and you cannot know who Christ is fully. Through the light and reflection of Christ in others can we get a better picture of Christ. We need other people.

·      How you interact with people different from you says a lot about yourself.

·      God calls us to be more than just a community but a family of God with a healthy understanding of mutual submission, responsibility, accountability, and sacrificial love towards each other, which means the willingness to rebuke with gentleness and love.

·      Reaching out and loving others who are different from you is not easy and it will come at a cost. You will have to come out of your comfort zone, it will cost you time and effort. You will be forced to ask more questions, be better listeners, you will find much you don’t understand and much you don’t agree with. In return, the Lord will bless you with wisdom, insight, humility and a maturing of your faith – a fine tuning of your life to God’s will

·      In John 14:13-17, Jesus promises us that he will give us anything we ask for in his name when it is for the glory of God, that the Holy Spirit will abide and help us. If you ask for a heart that is able to love and reach out to those older and younger than you so that you will become one with other brothers and sisters in Christ so that you may know more of God, then it will be given to you!



·      How can you show love towards others who are older and younger than you in the church?

·      Is God challenging you in any way to step out of your comfort zone?


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