“Invitation to God's Mission”

Sermon Title: Invitation to God's Mission
Scripture: jeremiah 1:4-10

  1. What is God inviting you into with His plans?

  2. How can you participate with Him?

The Message

Many of us don't actively keep a missional imagination at the forefront of our eyes. One possible reason is because we limit, when and where, God's mission and activity takes place to the walls of the church - a kind of Temple spirituality.

However, Jesus' approach to ministry and reaching people, was not limited to this kind of Temple spirituality. Similarly, the scriptures is calling the church to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. Whether we gather together as a church or when we are alone, as we are the temple of God - we are to be the meeting place of God's presence; we are to be the place where His presence is revealed.

And so, what this means in light of God’s big story is that - as God is a missional God who is continually working out His redemptive plan, we are called to be on mission as well. Because we follow a missional God.

The Passage

4 The word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jer 1:4-5)

  • v5 - God is seeking people to join Him in His missional plan. God knew us before we were born and He is excitedly waiting for us to join Him.

  • v5b - God seeks to raise Jeremiah up as a leader within a world that is broken and unraveling. Jeremiah's heart broke in response to the overwhelming disobedience and shallow spirituality of the people of God.

    • To be consecrated - set apart by God for a special purpose

    • To be appointed - uniquely gifted with lived experience and traits, that will be used purposefully by Him in His mission over the world

“Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.” But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord.

  • v6 - Jeremiah questions his competence to be used by God. We may disqualify ourselves because of our lack. However, God's mission is open to any age or any experience in the Kingdom of God.

  • v7-8 - God is persistent in reminding Jeremiah that He doesn't call the qualified, He always qualifies the called. Throughout scriptures, God continually affirms and empowers those who face lack, to instead seek their strength fully from God.


As Jesus died on the cross and resurrected from the dead, He has already made a path for us! There's no mission that's too small and none too great - because He has already done the hard work. And so He says - follow me; I've appointed you; I've sanctified you; I've ordained you; I've called you. He invites us to follow Him. That's the invitation God has for us. And as we say yes and follow Him into His mission, our job is just to do what we can; wherever God has placed us; in whatever mission field we are in. 

Part I Questions:

  1. Do you see Temple spirituality in your life? Do you struggle with it?

Part II Questions:

  1. What are some of the self-doubts or false truths that linger in your mind and keep you from partnering with God in His mission?

  2. What are the unique strengths and skills you are seeing God reveal to you, in affirming His use and purpose for you (in recent months or years)?

  3. Do you have an idea of the mission that God has placed before you? Can you describe what this looks like in the short to medium-term?

Note: If you are a member of New Hope DT campus, are baptized, have an interest in writing, and would like to serve through helping write sermon outlines, contact me here.


“Our heart posture for God’s call”


“Encountering the risen Jesus in the midst of our disappointments”