“Jesus the Better Tabernacle”

SERMON Title: Jesus the Better Tabernacle
Hebrews 9:1-14 (ESV)


In today’s sermon, we’ll look at the old forms of worship and how the blood of Jesus established a new form of worship from the new covenant.


In verses 1-5, the writer describes the old regulations and places of worship from Exodus 25:

  • The Tabernacle: The tent and dwelling place of God.

  • The Lampstand: The source of light in the Tabernacle.

  • The Table and The Bread of the Presence: Food for the priests as provisions from God.

  • The Curtain: A curtain inside the Tabernacle separating the Most Holy place from the Holy place.

  • The Golden Altar of Incense: An altar where burnt offerings would be laid and the smoke of incense would go up to God.

  • The Golden Ark of the Covenant: The symbolic presence of God with His people and the housing place of the Golden Urn holding Manna, Aaron’s budded staff, and the tablets of the covenant.

In verses 6-10, the writer describes the role of the priests in the tabernacle:

  • The priests would go into the Holy place and do priestly duties, but once a year the high priest would go into the Most Holy Place with sacrifice atoning for all sins of the people.

  • While the tabernacle still stood, the people had no direct access to God and no adequate sacrifice for atonement of their sins.

In verses 11-14, the writer now describes the significance of Jesus and the abolishment of the old ways.

  • Jesus, through his blood, entered the holiest of places and secured eternal redemption for all of us.  His perfect blood sacrifice purifies our sins and imperfections to fully serve God.  And he covers your sin forever.


Now that the old ways of the tabernacle and sacrifices are replaced from what Jesus had done, we only need to put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and what his actions have done for us. With this, we can receive an eternal source of light, freedom from guilt and shame, and live a life with Joy serving God.

Sermon reflection questions:

  1. Now that the old ways of the tabernacle are gone, we have full access to God Himself. How does that knowledge of God’s full access impact your life?

  2. Where do you place your desires and trust in? What is your shadow Priest or shadow Tabernacle you are choosing to abide in, rather than Jesus Himself?


“Blood Sacrifice at the Cross”


“Jesus, the High Priest of the New Covenant”