“Jesus, the Only Way to Salvation”

SERMON Title:  Jesus, the Only Way to Salvation
Hebrews 6:4-9 (ESV)


The passage for today is one that has been met with quite some controversy. It focuses on a core theological issue (“salvation”) that has been debated heavily. 


For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt. (Hebrews 6:4-6)

In the Book of Hebrews, ‘impossible’ is defined emphatically rather than figuratively:

  • In Hebrews 6:18, for God does not lie.

  • In Hebrews 10:4, atoning for our sins through the use of sacrifices is not possible. We have still sinned in God’s eyes.

  • In Hebrews 11:6, those who do not believe, the Lord cannot be pleased with them.

  • In Hebrews 6:6, some will not repent and be saved by the Lord. 

Those who will not repent and receive salvation are marked by:

  • Having experienced impressive spiritual experiences (6:4-5)

    • Been enlightened: by their understanding of the Truth and of the light

    • Tasted the heavenly gift: experienced the goodness of God in some form; in an indistinguishable and unforgettable way

    • They have shared in the Holy Spirit: to fellowship and participate with the Holy Spirit; in relationship and to be supported by

    • Tasted the goodness of God’s Word

    • Have tasted the powers of the age to come 

Though one may have experienced God significantly through spiritual encounters, is it still possible that a true Christian can lose their salvation? 

What it means to be a true Christian: 

  • Receiving salvation is not the only component to being a true Christian 

  • The effects of surrendering to Jesus as our Saviour should bring actual change in the ways we choose to live our lives 

  • The changes may come gradually as the Spirit works to sanctify various aspects of our lives according to His perfect plan and timing 

  • Just because you are surrounded by Christians or engaging in Christian practices and traditions, does not equate to a vibrant and living relationship with Christ 

Having received the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ by faith, we should yearn to seek out the experience of the transformative power of the Spirit committedly and continually, working in our lives until it is perfected on the final day.

The possibility of falling away from Christ

  • Though we may all stumble from time-to-time, those who fix their eyes on Jesus will persevere, because they are found in Christ

  • For others who fall away and look towards other things other than Jesus, they will not be restored through repentance unto salvation (Hebrews 6:6)

  • If you do not seek repentance in Jesus, it will be impossible for you to be restored unto God

  • Ex: Peter and Judas – Peter turned away from his prideful and fearful ways back to the Lord and was received. Judas was remorseful and ashamed, yet did not seek correction from his repentant ways in the Lord Himself. Only one of them received the salvation found in Christ alone (it was Peter).

    • “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.” (2 Corinthians 7:13) 

To fix our eyes on Jesus alone:

  • Like what we talked about last week, staying in that inoffensive middle ground does not produce repentance in Jesus 

  • Where we fix our eyes distinguishes those who are seeking Christ in relationship vs. those who are seeking false security and affirmation of blessing from being seen as a Christ follower, but not truly loving Christ

  • Repentance apart from Jesus is ineffective and meaningless, though the characteristics may resemble that of a mature Christian


True Christians bearing fruit

  • There will be differences in those who continually root themselves in Christ vs. those who fall away (Hebrews 6:7-8)

  • To attach ourselves to Christ without giving up, fruit will be naturally shown. For it is not us who bear the fruit, but Jesus, who is our Vine. We are merely branches who are vessels in which His power works through (John 15:5)

  • The security we need in Jesus is evidenced by the bearing of fruit in our life


  • Don’t give up and press on! Even when you might lose a hold of him, have confidence that our Lord Jesus Christ, through the helping power of the Holy Spirit, will never let go of you!

  • Even as you stumble and fall countless times, even if you’ve drifted away, when you humbly respond to the Holy Spirit who is spurring you on towards repentance in Christ Jesus, there is certainty for He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the Day of the Lord.

  • It is only by Jesus and Jesus alone that we receive our salvation, and we are restored unto God in our repentance. So let us reorient our compass more than ever to align ourselves to Jesus and let us rely on the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to change us anew, so that the gift of salvation we received from the Lord is firmly secure throughout our lives and ultimately perfected.

Sermon reflection questions:

  1. Similar to Pastor John’s story of how he was surrounded by faithful believers who loved Christ growing up yet did not truly have a personal saving relationship with Christ until his 30’s, what implications does this have for those around you? What can you do to help those around you to come to see and love Christ also? 

  2. Do you pray for repentance of your specific sins or faults before God? Do you embrace that repentance is not only a confession of your sins before God, but an active choice to turn away and walk away from your sins from that point forward?

  3. Where does your assurance of salvation and faith in Jesus Christ come from? 


“Jesus, the High Priest of the New Covenant”


“Jesus the perfect High Priest”