“Made in the image of God”

SERMON Title: Made in the image of God
SCRIPTURE: Genesis 1:26-31 (ESV)


‘What does it mean to be human?’ may be a question we seek to answer from time-to-time. This question affects our ways of living and how we may come to find our purpose one earth. When we read into the creation story of mankind, we arrive at the pinnacle of God’s creation story. Humanity is made in the image of God. The use of “likeness” or “reflection” alludes to humanity’s purpose of mirroring God into the world. 

We will look into the three aspects of being made in the image of God:

  • Resemblance

  • Relationship

  • Authority



  • Perception: This is a similarity across multiple aspects between parent and child; in both external appearance and internal personality.  

  • Response: As an image-bearer, to do well is not something you do but something you are. The Doctrine of the image of God points to the preservation and dignity of all creation and life. We do not have authority to dictate life over another. 


  • Perception: This is the purpose we were created for - to enter into relationships with God and with one another.

  • Response: God is communal and relational by His very nature (the Spirit; Jesus/the Word). Therefore, being made from relational community, we are made for the same thing - to be relational and in community. 


  • Perception: We rule the world with authority because we are God’s markers, representative rulers, and stewards in this created world. 

  • Response: Our cultural mandate is distinctly in two parts: 

    • To be fruitful: to multiply and to fill the earth.

    • To form and subdue the earth: To rule over the other animals on earth.

  • To extend His creative work in this world by creating culture as His image-bearers in the way we work, live, and love others. To continue God’s work to spur and support the people of the Kingdom of God in a visible way. 


How is my identity of being an image-bearer of God reflected in my life?

  • Colossians 3:10 

  • Philippians 1:6

Sermon reflection questions:

  1. What parts of God’s image do you see Him guiding and leading you to seek in being His image-bearer in this world: resemblance, relationship, or to rule?

  2. Do you fail to grasp the image of God in the people around you? What prevents you from acknowledging the all-sovereign presence of God found around you? 

  3. How has the Lord been prompting you to practically manifest the image of God embedded in you in your surroundings?


“Creation of Rest”


“God and His Creation”