“Preparing for a Successful Year”

Sermon series:  God’s extraordinary power in dark times
Sermon Title:  Preparing for a Successful Year
Scripture: Luke 8:22-25 (ESV)


With one week left in 2021, we should take a moment to prepare our hearts for the upcoming year. Not only should we await positive changes in our resolution, but we should also prepare for unanticipated storms waiting around the corner. But we know that when we encounter these storms, when we choose to devote a firm faith in our God, He will bring back our calm and peace.


1) How should we respond when faced with unexpected difficulties?

We should respond with firm faith in God.

  • The disciples’ initial response to the dangerous storm was waking up Jesus (who was sleeping in the boat) and asking for help (8:23-8:24).

  • Even though the disciples showed a lack of faith in Jesus’ power over the storm through their anxious worrying, they still had enough faith to call out to Jesus for help.

  • But Jesus asks them “Where is your faith?”.  Jesus does not recognize the disciples’ actions and attitude (seeking out Jesus for help during panic) as faith.  Jesus sought a firmer faith - a belief that Jesus is in full control even in seemingly dangerous times.

God wants us to be firm in our faith.  Instead of expressing panic, God wants us to be calm, knowing that He is in control and He will bring us peace

2) Why should we respond with firm faith?

Because He has authority and dominion.

  • In 8:24, Jesus rebukes the wind and the waves, and the storm subsides.  Afterwards, it says there was a calm.  Jesus Christ has authority and dominion over the universe and in this power we can put our firm faith in Him.

  • Not only was God a God of comfort and provision in the New Testament, but also the same God who demonstrated such power in the Old Testament. 

    • Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed - Psalm 107:28-29.

  • God was faithful to His people before Jesus came, and now that we are brothers and sisters in Christ, we can also depend on Jesus to hush the waves of the sea.  The disciples also marvelled at Jesus when He calmed the storm (8:25).

He is with us and cares for us.

  • Just as Jesus was with the disciples and cared about their well-being, God is also with us through the Holy Spirit and cares about our well-being.

  • Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. - Psalm 23:4

  • The Lord is the one who gives us rest and comfort. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” - Matthew 11:28-30.

Jesus was given all authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18) and has full command over all circumstances.  He is the only Savior we can put our trust in to be redeemed from the pitfalls of the Earth and to know the fullness of joy.  He cared enough to die for our sins so that we may experience a relationship with God fully, and this relationship can assure us the firm faith to push through the next year.


No matter how well we try to control our own lives, we will experience hardships and struggles from the consequences of sin.  But as we go into the next year, we don’t have to be discouraged by the future suffering, but we ask for firm faith through these events to experience peace and joy through the deliverance from God.

Sermon reflection questions: 

  1. Do you have any new year's resolutions?  What changes do you look forward to pursuing?

  2. Have you gone through a time of suffering and hardship without a firm faith that Jesus is in control?  How did you feel during that time?  Have you gone through a time with the firm faith Jesus requires of us? How were you able to hold onto a firm faith amidst the troubling times?

  3. Faith is not just going to Jesus for help, but it’s also trusting in Jesus’ power through the process.  Take some time to pray for that greater faith, peace, and deliverance.  Ask the Holy Spirit to provide you wisdom during those times to remember God’s faithfulness.


“Running the Race Together”


“Making Room for God Who Comes”