“Sin and the fall of humanity”

SERMON Title: Sin and the fall of humanity
SCRIPTURE: Genesis 3:1-14 (ESV)


Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

It is hard to deny that evil broods deep in each one of us. Everyday, we are constantly bombarded by stories and news of suffering and pain resulting from wars, crimes, scandals, abuse, and more. Humanity holds so much potential to do good but we also have an infinite capacity to destroy and ruin. In today’s passage, we will look at when sin first entered into the world, it’s distorted effects on the lives it affects, and how to overcome sin with Jesus’ help.


What is sin?

  • Sin is when we desire and act upon making ourself our own God. We end up believing there is something else we can trust in over believing and trusting in God.

  • Sin is rampant as Satan deceives and plants seeds of doubt in us consistently: by masking himself, coaxing us to let our guard down, and causing us to mistrust God’s words of truth.

  • Sin is in our lives once we start questioning God’s truth in His commands for us. We make ourselves out to be the ones who dictate right and wrong.

How does sin work on us?

  • Sin distorts our self and taints our desires and our will.

  • Sin interrupts the creation order.

  • Sin affects our relationship with God and with one another.

What do we do about it?

  • There is nothing we can do on our own separate from God.

  • God is continuously pursuing us; coming after us.

  • Jesus is the only one who could overcome sins’ temptations. Therefore, His righteousness is imputed onto us as well.

  • Stop hiding. Stop running. Rest in Jesus.

Reflection questions

  1. Is it easy for you to follow God’s commands if you do not fully understand His intention behind the command? What do you do in those circumstances?

  2. Have you loved God enough in the recent years to be able to submit in obedience to following His commands? What areas do you find it more difficult to submit in obedience willingly?

  3. Just like how Eve distorted God’s strictness and His goodness, how do you distort certain traits of God as you seek to follow Him?


“Sin, grace, and the cry”


“Reason to Praise”