Downtown Pastoral Library

Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“You shall not covet”

This week, we finish off our sermon series on the Ten Commandments. We look into how coveting is prominent in our society today and how we may overcome its influence on shaping the way we define and measure our life satisfaction. We will explore the new reality available to us as believers who are freed by God’s love and freedom for free people are joyfully content.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“You shall not make for yourself an idol”

We look at the second commandment today - “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.” (Exodus 20:4-6) We question in our daily lives in what ways we have chosen to make idols in the form of something — choosing to worship them — other than God alone.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Living as Free people”

The Ten Commandments given to us in the Bible are often perceived as outdated, not applicable in modern society, or contentious in driving people into legalism. We will dive into a new sermon series where we examine each Commandment and seek the Lord’s divine purpose and significance for us.

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