2020 Seven Word Memoir

This year, as a way to reflect on this past year, we asked our New Hope Mississauga members to count the blessings of 2020 by capturing it in seven words. Big thanks to all of you who have shared your seven word memoir of 2020! As we say goodbye to 2020, let us also be blessed by a performance by one of our members, Nicole Lee, singing Blessings by Laura Story


Abraham Ahn
God's love and provision through church community

Amy Chae
Zoomed out but thankful to be connected!

Andy Choi
Jesus, turn my kids’ juice into wine!

Aron Chung
Having community that I can rely on.

Bon-Hi Moon
Busyness interrupted to see God in slowness

John Moon
Blessing in life is contentment in Christ.
Who has an ear, let them hear!

Carolyn Kim
The Lord teaching me necessities versus wants.

Charis Lee
God is with us all the time.

Charles Lee
Prayer gatherings more often by more people
Missional movement reignited, participated, and more anticipated
Word of God being read and cherished
Many hugs and kisses from my daughter

David Lee
Peace, knowing God has everything under control.

Elaine Park
Starting business and experiencing God's providence daily.

Frances Kim
You’re on mute. But God still hears.
We need TEAM. Together, Everyone Achieves More!
Hear Ye! God is not in quarantine!
Began in crisis but ending in gratitude
His ways are higher than our ways
Following His prompts result in deeper intimacy
God multiplies what we bring to him
There is grace in grief. Savour it.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Deeply. And again.
Paying attention to what’s right in front.
Pursuing joy in the pain and suffering.
There is no shame in His shalom.

Hannah Chang
Getting back to what really matters
Thank God that He is in control

Hannah Lee
More clean and fresh air to enjoy

James Lee, Hyerim & Family
Thankful for technology that keeps us connected
I love to play in the snow.
Working from home a dream come true.
Grateful for a job that serves Canadians.
I’m thankful that I have a family.
I am thankful for this unusual year.
Quarantining is an introvert’s definition of fun.
Remote learning means no more morning rush.

Jae Song
Online service with wife in comfy pants.

Jaewoo Jun
Finally back into society after Korean army

James Lee SR
I forgot my mask. God is good.

Jennifer Ahn
Watching my kids laugh and play together.

Jenny Na
Grace and strength through Bible reading sharing

Joanne Kim
Meeting lots of new people through KCF

John Lee
I am thankful for Jesus despite circumstances

John Moon
Blessing in life is contentment in Christ.
Who has an ear, let them hear!

Josh & Ashley Chu
Corey Chu’s first words were ‘bao bao’

Keum Choi
Reading the Bible together with Life Group
Enjoying camping and fishing in God’s creation.

Kun Kim
Got all, God, family, health, food, home

Lisa Ahn
Strength and hope shared by the church.

Michelle San Juan
Welcoming our precious baby into this world.

Michelle Shim
Finding shoes that fit my swollen feet.

Mike Kim
20 pounds gained is acceptable, isnt it?
If I'm still breathing, I'm still praying
Our media team: blessed, essential, and appreciated!

Natalie Kim
First time staying home together on Sunday.

Nathan Park
Spending time with family every single month

Priscilla Wong
Making delicious ice cream with my family
Reading the Word each day with B.R.A.G.

Sally LeeCovid locked us, Jesus frees us, Amen!

Sooah Hong
Connecting and seeing each other over zoom


Happy New Year of Bible Reading and Praying Together


How then shall we wait? - Matthew 25