Lamenting Over Sin of Racism

As we grieve the death of George Floyd and lament over sins of racism, injustice, and abuse of power, I pray that we will turn to Christ and the hope of the gospel. Here are some thoughts and article links that helped me personally: The unmasking of sin of racism must start with me. Whenever there is an event that reveals human sin and social evil, I first reflect my own heart. We must repent of our own sins, as we engage in social issues. As an Asian Canadian I confess I am guilty of having been complicit in the social ill of systemic racism, neglecting to pursue justice by complying with the status quo and broken order.

When it comes to social injustice, I begin with lament—turning to God first, before acting in anger, bringing to him our burden and experience of brokenness and evil in this world. A prayer for justice and peace by Ravi Zacharias, “Lord, Save us from ourselves” helped me to articulate what I was thinking and feeling. Our church leadership will share an official statement on the issue of racism soon. In the meantime, let’s grieve over our own sins and the sins of our society, but not as ones without hope, because we trust that God is in control and will bring about his justice. And however you choose to speak and act in response to social injustice, let’s remember the mercy of our God who sent his one and only Son to die for our sins, including our sins of racism and social injustice.  And let’s remember and take heed to the words of prophet Micah: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).

Before I end my letter today, I would like to suggest some resources you may want to tab into. First, a documentary called American Gospel: Christ Alone. Recently our College and Young Adult group as well as our pastoral team watched it together and had discussions. It was well worth our time to learn and clarify the core of our faith—the gospel. There is a free one-hour version in YouTube; Netflix recently made the full-version available as well. Please give it a watch and be equipped and be blessed. 

Today I did not get to share about evangelism as exiles. If you want to learn together how to be missional and share the gospel in our context of soft persecution, please sign up for Missional Living seminar that’s taking place this Friday (June 12). If you want solid resources to be equipped to share the gospel, check out Ravi Zacharias International Ministry website and talks by Ravi Zacharias in YouTube. He went to be with the Lord recently; while he was here on earth, he was one of the most masterful evangelists and apologists—one who equipped hundreds and thousands to “be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” and he did it with “gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15). 

As I shared with you this morning from 1 Peter 3, may we be a community of exiles who bless others through our good works and good news of Jesus Christ. May we glorify and bless our God through a life that treasures Christ supremely above all. 


Church Re-Opening and Serving One Another


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