Growing Together as Fruitful Disciples

This fall things are quite different in the kick-off of our new season of ministry due to the ongoing reality of the pandemic. Although the church facility is open for Sunday corporate gatherings, there are many restrictions and limitations as to how we gather, disciple and do missions. While we follow the government mandate and guidelines, we will never stop being a church that seeks to glorify God through our life and ministry together. We will carefully and creatively continue on with our ministries and missions; yes, under restrictions and with necessary adjustments. And we trust that those adjustments and changes will not hinder God's plan or his grace. God will continue to work out his salvation in and through us. And we will continue to depend on the Spirit. And we do anticipate God's work of grace in this new season of ministry.  

When it comes to discipleship at New Hope, we have two main venues: Life Groups and Classes. Both Life Groups and Classes exist to help our members grow as fruitful disciples--ones who abide in Christ, love the body of Christ and serve in the mission of Christ. Life Group runs from October to May (eight months; bi-weekly meetings for most groups). Classes run two to twelve meetings. Given the situation we are in, our classes will be hybrid (live and livestream) or online. Please check out the three classes offered this fall at our website here: and you can register for classes here:

When it comes to growing together as fruitful disciples at New Hope, Life Group is at the heart of it. With all of its limitations and imperfections, Life Groups are places where people can connect with one another and are encouraged to abide in Christ and also spurred on to serve and participate in the mission of God. If you want to grow together with other brothers and sisters this season, I encourage you to sign up to be part of a group this season. Let me emphasize that you need to commit to do life together with fellow disciples. You must make a conscious and intentional commitment to be an active member of the group. That means you cannot just sign up and not show up to meetings or not care for the group members. You are committing to love Christ and love one another in your Life Group. If that’s your desire and intent, please do sign up to be part of a Life Group by Sept 27. The groups will be put together by the end of the month and will start meeting in October in different locations. (Some groups will be meeting in-person as long as there is a group consensus; other groups will meet online). You can register online to join a Life Group at: (For those of you who were part of a Life Group, please note that we will be forming new groups this season, so please do not assume that you will be in the same group as the last season).

I cannot emphasize enough the important role small groups play in the discipleship process and missional purpose (with all of its limitations and much room for improvement). One study shows how in this season of the pandemic many people have been struggling in their spiritual life and spiritual disciplines. Some of you may have found it more difficult to read your Bible and pray. You are not alone. When we don’t gather together to worship, disciple and be discipled for a long period of time, we can easily become complacent and spiritually dry. Because large group gathering is difficult in this season, small group gathering with intentional focus for soul care is a must. So I encourage you to choose to be part of a Life Group or take a class, and grow together as fruitful disciples of Jesus Christ.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Running the Race With the Power of God