Life Together in Life Groups

Christian life is never meant to be lived out alone; it is to be lived out together with brothers and sisters in Christ. Personal relationship with Christ is foundational. And communal life together is foundational in our personal walk with God. God saved not just individuals but a people—a people for himself and for one another. We are made to be people of God who worship God, follow Jesus, and are sent out into the world for God's mission by the power of the Spirit—together with brothers and sisters and fellow servants of Christ. Together we are called. Together we are to grow up into the fullness of Christ for the glory of God and for the edification of God's church.

The vision of Life Group ministry is "to glorify God by growing together as fruitful disciples of Jesus." In John 15:16 Jesus says, "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide." We are saved by God's sovereign grace. And God's grace to us is not in vain; it saves us to grow into Christlikeness and to bear fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, kindness...etc). God's plan is to grow us as mature disciples who make disciples of Christ by helping one another to follow Christ faithfully and fruitfully. When we do that—grow together as fruitful disciples of Jesus—God will be glorified. So in John 15:8 Jesus says, "By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and prove to be my disciples.May we glorify God by growing together as fruitful disciples of Jesus Christ. 

We will be pursuing that vision of "glorying God by growing together as fruitful disciples of Jesus" in our Life Groups through three means: 1) Abiding in Christ; 2) Loving one another; 3) Bearing witness of Christ to others. 

First, we will glorify God by growing together as fruitful disciples of Jesus—through abiding in Christ. We cannot bear fruit without abiding in Christ. We don't bear fruit by trying harder. We bear fruit by abiding in Christ—by resting in Christ, by receiving Christ's truth and love, by keeping intimacy with Christ through word and prayer. In John 15:5 Jesus says, "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." Apart from Christ, we can do nothing. Apart from Christ, we cannot bear fruit. Apart from Christ, we will dry up and burn out. But in Christ—when we abide in Christ—we will bear fruit. When we abide in Christ, we will be filled with joy and life that comes from Christ. 

Jesus gives this amazing promise in John 15:7 & 11: "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you...that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full." When we live in an intimate relationship with Christ by meditating, applying and praying his word, we will experience God's empowering grace and God's gift of joy. Don't you want that in your life? I do! The gift of joy and answered prayer comes through abiding in Christ, which in turn will cause growth and fruitfulness as followers of Jesus. So in this new season we will be ever more intentional to read and pray with God's word together in our Life Groups. Commit together to be in God's word this season and encourage one another to be filled with God's word daily. And pray together God's promises and expect God to answer your prayers. Expect God to do great things in your group.

Along with abiding in Christ, Life Group is a place where we can love one another. Life Group is where you do life together and experience the life-transforming power of God. This season we want to be more intentional to really get to know our group members by going beyond "hello-ship" to true "fellowship." We want to move beyond the superficial connection to becoming more authentic, transparent, and vulnerable with one another. We want to go deeper into each other's lives and experience the love of Christ by genuinely caring for one another. I pray for the gospel truth to set us free to confess our sins, receive forgiveness and encourage one another to pursue godliness together. I pray for the gospel grace to empower us to be gracious toward one another, pointing one another to Christ and his grace. I pray that we will experience Galatians 6:2 in our Life Groups: "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Christian life is never meant to be lived out alone. We are called to bear one another's burdens, and help each other. That's what it means to love another and in so doing we fulfill the law of Christ.

I think I have written enough for today. I will share about the third component of the Life Group ministry—bearing witness of Christ to others--next time. 

I know that many groups are meeting this weekend for the first time. I pray that your hearts are wide open to God and to your group members. Anticipate God's work of grace in your life and in your Life Group this season. Engage in the group life proactively. Pray for your leaders that they will serve and lead your group with joy. Pray for one another that we will glorify God by growing together as fruitful disciples through abiding in Christ and loving one another and bearing witness of Christ to others. 

May you experience the life of Christ deeply in your groups this season. May you experience the life-transforming power of the Spirit in your groups. May our God be glorified in and through our life and ministry together.


Standing Firm - 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13


Happy Thanksgiving!