“The Great Reversal” - Luke 6:20-26

  1. The marks of the righteous. (v20-23)

    1. The righteous are poor in spirit. (v20)

    2. The righteous are hungry for righteousness. (v21a)

    3. The righteous mourn over sin. (v21b)

    4. The righteous are outcasts on account of the Son of Man. (v22-23)

  2. The marks of the unrighteous. (v24-26)

    1. The unrighteous are rich in the world. (v24)

    2. The unrighteous are full in stomach but not full in God. (v25a)

    3. The unrighteous laugh due to unawareness of judgment. (v25b)

    4. The unrighteous are friends with the world. (v26)

  3. Christ became last that His people would become first.

    1. Christ left the throne and riches of heaven to become our ransom and servant.

    2. Christ allowed himself to be stripped of his robe of righteousness that it could be worn by us, while he hung naked and alone on the cross.

    3. Christ allowed himself to be mocked and laughed at, and prayed for his enemies asking that they be forgiven ‘for they know not what they do.’

    4. Christ became an outcast to the world that sinners could become children of God.


“Love Your Enemies” - Luke 6:26-37


“Sabbath Labour” - Luke 6:1-11