Creatures of Habit

Genesis 1

This week is the first sermon of our new series, "From Outbreak to Breakthrough." As devastating as this pandemic has been for many of us, we can also sense how God might be using this to stage breakthroughs in our own lives. This week's sermon will focus on the need for routine.

Part of what makes this outbreak difficult is that it disrupts our routine. We are creatures of habit so this disruption has profound ripple effects, causing many of us to feel lost in multiple areas of our life. The sermon will focus on 2 perspectives on why routine is so important. 

1. Routine is important because it is beneficial to us. 

2. Routine is important because it is worshipful to God. 

The bulk of the sermon will focus on the 2nd perspective, but for the first, I will draw upon secular studies and personal experience on why routine is so beneficial. For the 2nd perspective, I will explain how routine is established and important at the beginning of every major era of biblical history--from creation, to the formation of Israel, to Jesus's ministry, and all the way to the birth of the church. Therefore, we see that routine is at the heart of not only how God works, but God's intrinsic character. We, being created in the image of God, must also have some sense of a routine as well. In this way, routine becomes an opportunity for us to express our love and appreciation for God's character and involvement in our lives.

Lastly, I will explain why it is important as Christians to understand the difference between the 2 perspectives (i.e., our benefit and God’s glory). If we truly submit to the gospel of Jesus Christ, then our motivation is no longer about our own benefits. Rather, our motivation is to bring glory to God. This difference is key as we cover other topics in this series and as we think about what our motivation should be in life. The power of the gospel guarantees that we will live progressively more  for his glory and progressively less for ourselves.

1. Share about your own experiences with routine. Why is routine so helpful for you personally? 

2. For many of us, this pandemic has disrupted our typical routine. Since we are creatures of habit, this disruption has profound ripple effects. 

a) In what ways do you think you have been blindsided by not adjusting your routine in the midst of this pandemic?

b) In what ways have you had to adjust your routine in the midst of this pandemic?

3. Does it surprise you that routine is an intrinsic part of how God works and his own character?

4. Why would it be important to make a distinction between practicing a routine for your own benefits and practicing a routine as an expression of worship to God?

5. Spend some time reflecting upon the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are guaranteed that our life will be lived as a response to God's perfect character and involvement in our lives.


Creatures of Community