Jesus: the Fulfiller of Proverbs

Proverbs 1-4

Last week, we were reminded that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. In order to live a life of wisdom, one must be dependent on God. But what does it mean to live a life that is fearing the Lord? This week, we gain more details on what this involves: we must seek the words of the Lord (Proverbs 2.1-5), remember and not forget God's teaching (3.1-4), depend on God instead of ourselves (3.5-7), and be attentive to the God's wisdom (4.1-4). The picture is an obedient child to his/her wise and loving father.

Indeed, it is a great privilege that God has invited us to have an intimate relationship with him. Yet we see that Israel, God's chosen people whom God regarded as his very own child, rebelled. Israel did not seek the Lord; Israel failed to remember God; Israel depended on its own understanding rather than God; and Israel was not attentive to the wisdom of the Lord. Israel, of course, is a spiritual mirror to all of us. In our own ways, we have also forsaken our relationship with God.

Israel also sets the stage for Jesus, who is the true Israel. Unlike Israel, Jesus continually sought after Father; he remembered and obeyed every one of the Father's commandments; he faithfully depended on the Father; and he was perfectly attentive to the Father's will. Jesus is the perfectly obedient Son of God. As much as Israel is a spiritual mirror to us, true Israel (i.e., Jesus) is the new identity and destiny for all those who believe in and submit to the gospel of Jesus Christ! The same fear and obedience that Jesus had for the Father have now been imputed unto us; and the same Spirit that empowered Jesus to live in perfect obedience will guarantee that all of us are progressively becoming more like Christ!


1. Read the passage together and review your sermon notes. Share with one another what the Spirit might have been placing on your heart through the sermon.

2. This sermon highlighted God’s fatherly heart. He cares intensely for his children and knows that his wisdom is what his children need, yet his love and wisdom are continually spurned. God is nonetheless patient and merciful to his children. Share about a time where you gave some kind of advice/guidance to someone that you knew would be beneficial, only for it to have been rejected. How did that make you feel?

3. Over the last two weeks, we were reminded of what our lives apart from Christ is like: whether we valued things more than God (like Adam and Eve) or whether we simply disobeyed God (like Israel). Between the two, which resonates with your life apart from Christ more? Or how would you describe your life apart from Christ?

4. For those who believe in and submit to the gospel of Jesus Christ, our identity and destiny are now in Christ! Our identity in Christ means that his perfect obedience has been imputed unto us: when God sees us, he sees us as perfectly obedient like Christ. Our destiny in Christ means that the Spirit is using all things to make us more like Christ—this is a promise that is guaranteed to be fulfilled. How can these two realities affect you during your present circumstances?


Jesus: the Empowerer of Proverbs


Fear the Lord