Miracles → Calamities → Miracles

1 Kings 17.17-24

God has now proved his power and faithfulness to Elijah and the widow in miraculous ways. He has withheld the rain, fed Elijah through ravens, and multiplied the paltry amount of flour/oil for the widow. Despite experiencing these miracles, we see that the faith of Elijah and the widow is ultimately fickle. When the widow's son becomes ill, the widow immediately blames Elijah (1 Kings 17.18), upon which Elijah immediately blames God (1 Kings 17.20)!

How is it possible that after experiencing all of these extraordinary works of God, the widow and Elijah are so quick to blame God when difficulties arise? In many ways, this is a mirror to the way that we respond to our own difficulties. In our lives, God has staged one deliverance after another—the most significant being our salvation in Jesus Christ. Yet, we are also quick to blame God when we face challenges.

Despite the fickleness of our faith, God nonetheless listens to Elijah (and to us). Therefore this passage (like every other passage in Scripture) is ultimately about God. In the midst of our wavering trust, God is patient and loving. He even listens to our prayers and delivers us during our time of need. Our God sees us through the seasons and will always remain faithful to us.

When we think about God in this light, it is quite radical. In every other religion, worshippers strive to earn the trust of their deities. In Christianity, God strives to earn our trust! He places us in difficult situations in order to mature and increase our faith. Of course we falter countless times, just like the widow and Elijah, yet God is so faithful and loving throughout the entire process.

Read 1 Kings 17.17-24

1. What surprises you more about this passage: (1) how quickly the widow and Elijah blame God or (2) how faithful and patient God is toward the widow and Elijah?

2. One of the points from this passage is how fickle the faith of Elijah and the widow was. Despite all that they have experienced, they are so quick to turn against God. Yet God was still faithful to each of them, working in their lives with patience and love. In what ways do we see this dynamic in our own relationships with God?

3. Read through 1 Kings 17.1-24 on your own and reflect upon what we have learned about God from his interactions with Elijah. In what ways do you see God earning Elijah's trust? Why is this so radical, especially compared to other religions? And how has God been striving to earn your trust in your own life?

4. Share any prayer requests, and pray that the members of this Life Group can be a people who worship God through the miracles and through the difficulties.


Our God or Our Troubler?


God’s Delivery: From Ravens to a Widow