Pictures of Faith and Discipline

Hebrews 13:1-6

The Letter to the Hebrews ends by providing practical implications of all the glorious blessings that we have in Jesus Christ. Most recently, Hebrews has pointed our attention to the promised faith and discipline that we have in Christ. As we reflect upon all that Christ has done for us, what kind of an impact should this have in our everyday lives? Hebrews gives two examples.

First, those who are in Christ should be a people of love. This love can be expressed by extending hospitality to even strangers and by visiting those who are mistreated. Second, those who have been gifted the faith and discipline of Christ are marked with purity. They do not fall into sexual immorality or the love of money. 

Through this passage, we should carefully reflect upon whether we are growing in both love and purity. This should stir our hearts toward repentance and greater faith in Christ. As we reflect upon these things, it is critical to remember that our love and purity should not be self-generated or self-centered. If we read these verses carefully (Hebrews 13.1-6), we realize that our love and purity are generated by and centered on our relationship with God. Our primary motivation to love others is not based on ourselves or even the people whom we're loving; instead, our primary motivation must be grounded in God's promises. Similarly, our primary motivation to grow in purity is not our own standards or reputation; instead, it is because of our relationship with God--he both judges and provides for us. 


1. Before we reflect upon the practical implications of the gospel of Jesus Christ (e.g., our love and purity), why is it so critical first to remember what Christ has done, is currently doing, and will do for us?

2. Although it is subtle, there is a significant difference between someone who is growing in a love and purity that are self-generated or self-centered and someone who is growing in a love and purity that are generated by and centered on his/her relationship with God. 

a) Why is this difference significant?

b) What has been your experience like in the former? What has been your experience like in the latter? 

3. What are some ways that you have been growing in love and purity? Conversely, in what ways do you need to continue to grow in these areas?

4. Close your time in a prayer of repentance and faith based on the responses of question #3.


Leadership and the Gospel of Jesus Christ


The Discipline That God Has Promised Us