Serving with the Spirit

Acts 6

As we saw last week, the Holy Spirit is moving in a powerful way in both the book of Acts and even in our situation. But as the Spirit moves, there is always opposition. This week, we see that there is conflict within the church as the widows of the community were being neglected. The solution is simple. The apostles delegated the task because they needed to focus on prayer and the ministry of the Word. So they had the community select 7 people who could serve the widows. The requirement was that these people had to be full of the Spirit.

One of the 7 people who were selected was Stephen. Stephen is notable because he is the first recorded martyr for the gospel of Jesus Christ. A prominent characteristic of Stephen was that he was full of the Spirit, and therefore full of wisdom as well.

In this sermon, I will explain why the apostles could not serve the widows themselves. The ministry of the Word and prayer were too important because these ministries are the most effective ways for the people to know the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I will also explain the importance of the Holy Spirit. More than any other quality, we need to be full of the Spirit because this gives us wisdom and power. However, we shouldn't just focus on needing the Spirit. Our greatest desire should be the fullness of the Spirit because he enables us to be intimate with Christ.

Lastly, I will clarify two common misunderstandings that people might have from this teaching. First is that many of us think that being full of the Spirit means to be charismatic. Many charismatic leaders have actually caused much harm to the church. I will clarify that being full of the Spirit is something different than simply being charismatic. Second, I will also address some of us who might make excuses not to serve because we are waiting for the Spirit. All of us who submit to the gospel of Jesus Christ have already received the presence of the Spirit! And oftentimes, the Spirit fills us more as we take steps of faith and obedience!


1. One of the points of the gospel is that all that we truly need is in Christ, whose presence is manifest in our lives through the Spirit.

  • Share about some qualities, expertise, abilities, resources, etc. that you wish you had—whether it's for work, for school, for relationships, or for any other reason. Why do you wish you had this?

  • Consider what you shared for question 1a above and reflect upon why it's actually better for you to be filled with the Spirit. Share with one another your thoughts. (If you feel stuck, then forward your thoughts or questions to P. Yuh!)

2. In what ways is it freeing and encouraging that all you need is the Spirit in order to make a positive difference (i.e., what are some ways that the Spirit is assuring you to take a baby step of faith)? In what ways is this also humbling and challenging (i.e., what are some ways that the Spirit is reminding you to be more dependent on him)?

3. What are some of the misunderstandings or questions you had about being filled with the Spirit? How has this sermon helped you to move forward in taking baby steps of obedience to what the Spirit might be leading you to do?


Results, Not Causes: Fruits of the Spirit (Part 1)


It's Personal (and Marital)