The Body of Christ: Gifted, United, and Loving (Part 2)

1 Corinthians 12.4-31; 13.13

Last week, we were reminded of how radical God's love is. On the one hand, God is perfect in holiness and cannot tolerate sin. On the other hand, we deserved nothing but his wrath because of our rebellion and defiance. Yet, God reached out to us in the most sacrificial and powerful way. He sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins and his resurrection means, among other things, that we are united with him! We are not only forgiven of our sins, but we are now the body of Christ! God's radical and uniting love is what motivates and empowers us to love others in the same way.

This week, we'll focus more on the effects of God's love for us. Those who believe and submit to the gospel of Jesus Christ are now a part of his body, which is the church. In our church context, we can now experience true unity and love. The Spirit moves in our hearts so that we can love one another and experience the unity of God. Praise God that we have been experiencing these effects of the gospel in our Uptown community, especially during the pandemic!

However, Paul mentions that there is a structure to church communities (verse 28). At the foundational layer is the apostles, then prophets, and then teachers. The reason for this is because the apostles, prophets, and teachers were responsible for ensuring that the community focuses and is constantly reminded of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thus, as we celebrate the communal effects of the gospel, we must always be reminded that it's only because God has first loved us in such a radical and sacrificial way through Jesus that we are able to experience this love and unity with one another.


1. Read 1 Corinthians 12.4-31; 13.13 together and review your sermon notes. Share with one another what the Spirit might have been placing on your heart through the sermon.

2. What are some ways that you have experienced the love and unity of the Spirit at Uptown?

3. In your own words, why is it so necessary for the gospel of Jesus Christ to remain central at Uptown?

4. Take a moment and give thanks to God for what the Spirit is doing at Uptown and for the gospel of Jesus Christ that enables us to be a part of his body (e.g., journal, pray, sing a praise song, etc.).

5. Read 1 Corinthians 12.26 together. Share with one another any sufferings or any praises, and close your time by praying for each other.


What Does It Mean to Be Filled with the Spirit?


The Body of Christ: Gifted, United, and Loving (Part 1)