The Crux of the Matter

1 Corinthians 15.1-8, 18-20

The most important decision that anyone can ever make comes down to the question: was Jesus raised from the dead? There is so much at stake with this simple question, so it is only appropriate to explore this question as we celebrate Easter.

Paul also recognized the importance of the resurrection of Jesus. If Jesus had not resurrected, then Christians should be the most pitied people of all. Therefore, Paul elaborates on the historical reliability of the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus rose from the dead three days later and appeared to more than 500 individuals!

In this sermon, I will outline the basic facts of Jesus's life and death that even secular/atheistic historians would agree: (1) Jesus of Nazareth existed, (2) this Jesus performed "miracles," (3) Jesus was crucified, and (4) Jesus's tomb was somehow empty.

Then I will offer 3 possible explanations for the empty tomb. The only explanation that makes the most sense in history is that Jesus was indeed raised from the dead.

If this is the case, then Paul elaborates that we will also experience the power of Jesus's resurrection! This means that for those who believe and submit to the gospel of Jesus, every aspect of their life and of this world will be fully redeemed! Equally important is that we get to live this resurrection life today!


1. Read the passage together and review your sermon notes. Share with one another what the Spirit might have been placing on your heart through the sermon.

2. The most important decision that we can ever make is how we answer the question of Jesus's resurrection. It is therefore important to have a safe environment where we can share openly about our thoughts on this matter. What are your thoughts on the reliability of the resurrection of Jesus? Are there aspects of Jesus' resurrection that cause you uncertainty? In your own journey, how did you come to the conviction that Jesus was indeed raised from the dead? Or, in your own journey, what more do you need to see/know in order to have the conviction that Jesus was raised from the dead?

3. The resurrection of Jesus means that those who believe and submit to his gospel will also experience his resurrection. This means that every aspect of our existence will be redeemed! Are there certain aspects of redemption that you are particularly looking forward to (e.g., our physical bodies, personalities, work ethic, intellect, environment, etc.)?

Out of all the things that the resurrection of Jesus redeems, Paul (and the rest of the Bible) emphasize the most that we have been redeemed from our sin. Out of all things, why is sin highlighted?

4. How have you experienced the power of Jesus's resurrection in your life recently? Or, in what ways do you need to experience the power of Jesus's resurrection more in your life?


Fear the Lord


What Does It Mean to Be Filled with the Spirit?