The Efficacy and the Finality of the Blood of Jesus Christ

Hebrews 9:1-10:18

In this passage, we continue to reflect upon the priesthood of Jesus Christ. More specifically, we reflect upon how the blood of Christ is both effective and final. In order for us to understand this, we must remember God's holiness, God's grace, and the sinfulness of humanity. 

One of the ways that the holiness of God has been expressed is through the design of the tabernacle (or tent of meeting). As mentioned in the first sermon, the tabernacle has two parts: the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. It was a fearful thing to enter in the Most Holy Place, which could only take place by the high priest once a year. Christ, however, not only has full access to the Most Holy Place, but, by his blood, we can also access it with boldness and confidence!

The grace of God has been expressed through animal sacrifices. Out of his grace, God provided a way for sinful people to fellowship with God despite his holiness. This was accomplished through animal sacrifices.  These sacrifices were not meant to see God as someone who is burdensome; instead, we ought to see him as someone who is gracious and willing to make a way for sinful people. The blood of Christ, however is much stronger than the blood of animals. Where the blood of animals could only purify our flesh, the blood of Christ can purify our conscience so that we can serve God (9.13-14).

The sinfulness of humanity has also been expressed through animal sacrifices. Every time God's people sacrificed an animal, they were reminded of their sinfulness. Once again, the blood of Christ is more potent than the blood of animals. Only the blood of Christ can fully remove sin to the point where we are already deemed sanctified and perfected (9.26; 10.2, 10, 14)!

Next week, we will learn what the practical point of all of this is. But for now, this passage calls us to serve God so we will close by considering in what ways God is calling us to serve him (9.14).


1. What are some ways that have helped you remember and appreciate the holiness of God? How does the design of the tent/tabernacle help you in this regard?

2. At Uptown, we consider worship as a response to God's character and involvement in our lives. Otherwise, worship will become self-centered and eventually burdensome. We were reminded of this through the example of the sacrificial system: rather than seeing this as burdensome, we must see this as an expression of God's grace and holiness. What are some ways that we take God's grace for granted and distort it as a burden?

3. In this sermon, we were reminded of three aspects of the blood of Christ. Which of these stand out to you the most?

  • The blood of Christ does not merely address our "flesh" but even our "conscience"

  • The blood of Christ has made an end to all of our sin--past, present, and future

  • The blood of Christ is so effective that those who are in Christ are already considered sanctified and perfected

4. Why is it important for us to be reminded of our sinfulness? What are some biblical guidelines for this to be healthy?

5. As a response to the efficacy and finality of the blood of Christ, what are some practical ways that God is calling you to serve him?


A Grace That Compels Judgment


The Permanence of the Priesthood of Jesus Christ