The Faith That God Has Promised Us

Hebrews 11

All throughout Hebrews (and the rest of the Bible), faith is a very important part of our conformity to Jesus Christ. This kind of faith is not some vague belief in something generic; instead, it is a conviction that God's promises are true: he is who he says he is and he will do what he said he will do. Although this understanding of faith is simple, it can feel impossible to live out when we are overwhelmed by our circumstances and our sin.

The individuals highlighted in Hebrews 11 had this kind of faith. Instead of trusting in their circumstances, in themselves, or in other things, they placed their faith in God's promise. However, even they have not yet received the blessings of God's promise. They, like us, are all waiting for the return of Christ, which is when God's promise will finally be ultimately fulfilled. Until then, we must persevere in faith--continually placing our trust in God's promise rather than the things that we see.

Persevering in this kind of faith can sometimes be painful and feel impossible. In fact, most of the individuals mentioned in Hebrews 11 all failed at one point. Praise God, however, that this faith is not from us! God has given all of us who are in Christ this free gift of faith, and he is the one who will bring this faith to perfection (Hebrews 12.2)!

This kind of faith transforms every aspect of our daily living. When we suffer, we do not have to be overwhelmed by the misery of sin; instead, we trust that even our sufferings have been ordained by God in order for us to become more like Christ. When we experience victories, we do not have to be enticed by the empty promises of the world or feel disappointed that we still feel like strangers and exiles; instead, we trust that this world is not our home and that God is preparing for us a better city. When we experience the brokenness of sin in this world, we do not have to lose heart; instead, we trust that the gospel of Christ will one day redeem every aspect of reality. Let us pray that we will not be a people who shrink back, but a people who please God by living by faith.


1. This sermon explained how the faith from Hebrews 11 is specific and relational. It is not a vague optimism that things will somehow work out. Instead, it is a conviction that God's Word and promises are true even though we may not see them fulfilled in our lifetime. Why is it important to have this specific understanding of faith?

2. Share about a time when you were more influenced by the things that you can "see" more than God's character and promise or when you were more influenced by God's character and promise than the things that you can "see"? What did you learn from this experience?

3. What does it mean to you that this kind of faith is not generated from yourself? Furthermore, that this kind of faith will be perfected in you by Christ himself?

4. In your own words, how can this kind of faith transform the way you live your life (e.g., in your sufferings, in your desires, and in the way that you interpret life)?

5. On this topic of faith, what are some ways that the Spirit is leading you to repent? Conversely, what are some ways that the Spirit is reassuring you?


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