The God of Darkness

Isaiah 9:1-7

How do you typically respond to difficult circumstances? Do you preoccupy yourself so that you don't have to deal with them? Or maybe you misinterpret them as God being absent or distant in your life? As we begin our advent sermon series on Isaiah 9.1-7, we learn that God is the one who brings these difficult situations in our lives.

Isaiah 9.1-7 is a promise of Jesus Christ foretold centuries before his birth. Although it is a promise of joy and celebration, it is preceded by a period of darkness. God is the one who has brought about anguish, contempt, and deep darkness. He does this for a variety of reasons. For the purpose of this sermon, we will focus on two reasons. First, it is a consequence of humanity's sinful rebellion against God. But second, so that we can better appreciate Jesus Christ in our lives. We see the glory and light of Jesus Christ much more clearly when they are in stark contrast to our darkness. This sermon will therefore encourage us not to respond to difficult circumstances according to our sinful tendency; rather, we should embrace even difficulties since they have been orchestrated by God so that we can appreciate Jesus Christ more in our lives!

More specifically, Jesus Christ entered into our darkness. He emptied himself of his glory so that he can become like his own creation with the ultimate purpose to die for our sins. Jesus not only entered into our darkness, but he became dark on our behalf: in some ways he became sin, bearing the full wrath of God that was intended for us! This is what Isaiah refers to when he speaks of the glory and the great light that Jesus shares with us.

The sermon will conclude with some practical ways that we can respond to this great promise of Jesus Christ by offering specific ways that we can repent, trust, and reflect upon Jesus in our everyday lives.


1. Share about a frustrating situation that you experienced. How did you respond to that situation?

2. How can it be helpful to interpret that situation in a biblical way? That is, as a consequence of humanity's sinful rebellion against God and as an opportunity to appreciate more deeply Jesus Christ in our lives?

3. The sermon offered a few points to reflect upon when you wake up and when you go to sleep. How would you modify these points? Which of these points resonate with you the most and why?

  • Jesus created you so that you can have an intimate relationship with him that is full of true love and life

  • But you refused (and still refuse)

  • Yet Jesus died for you so that you will have an intimate relationship with him that is full of true love and life

  • And he resurrected so his Spirit is using everything that will happen (happened) today to make you more like him

  • And he will return so that you will be glorified and perfected in him.


Distorting the Kingship of Jesus Christ


Saint or Sinner or Both?