What Does Identity in Jesus Christ Mean? Part 2

Passage: Romans 8.28-29

Date: April 23, 2023

Based on the overwhelming feedback from last week's sermon, this sermon will expand on our identity in Jesus Christ. Our identity in Christ is important but often times we overlook it or have a superficial/vague understanding of it. In this sermon, we will reflect upon what it means to be conformed to the image of  Christ and that Christ is the firstborn based on Romans 8.29-30. 

Being conformed to the image of Christ means that our life and identity are being shaped to the life and identity of Christ. So who Christ is and what he has done as revealed to us in the Gospels are the script for us--it will inevitably be who we are. Christ's righteousness has been imputed onto us as we are being sanctified into him.

Christ as the firstborn is similar to the recent message about him being the first-fruits. In this way, Christ not only obeyed, suffered, died, resurrected, etc. for us, but he did all these things ahead of us--so that we can be conformed accordingly. Additionally, Christ does all these things in us by virtue of his Spirit dwelling in us. This then means that we do all these things in Christ as well.

How do we grow in this new reality? By continual repentance and faith. If we are trying to grow in Christ, then our old fleshly ways will become more conspicuous, leading us to joyful repentance; as we do, we are continually reminded to place our trust and faith in Christ--our new identity in him.


Loving the Creator of Creation


What Does Identity in Jesus Christ Mean?