Come join us and read the Bible together! As a church, we are using Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s two-year Bible reading plan. For 2023, we will be reading the second half of the Old Testament (Ezra-Malachi), plus all of the New Testament and Psalms this year. These readings are used for our daily Bible Reading & Prayer meetings.
Download the 2023 Bible Reading Plan.
To learn more about why and how we plan to read the Bible together in the new year, please check out the pastoral column by Pastor Charles.
Add the NHF Bible Reading calendar to your personal calendar!
Follow D.A. Carson’s For the Love of God, supplement your daily readings with a devotional, and be part of a larger daily Bible reading community.
Follow Paul Carter’s Into the Word Bible podcast which releases podcasts following the RMM Bible Reading Plan and already has great episodes on 22 different books of the Bible.
Download the YouVersion Bible App and add the “Two-Year Bible Reading Plan: Volume 1” to get app notifications and follow along.