We invite all our members to start the new year by praying together! Join us for 21 Days of Prayer each day via Zoom (passcode “nhf").
21 Days of Prayer
Mon-Fri 7-7:30 AM, Sat 8-9 AM
Meeting ID: 839 7158 9398
Passcode: nhf
This is WHY we do it:
Prayer is a privilege. We have the access to the throne of grace and we have the ears of God who will answer our prayers.
Prayer is a means of grace. We experience God’s grace and encounter the living God through prayer.
Praying is an expression of our faith. In praying with faith we anticipate the unstoppable work of the Holy Spirit. We pray because we expect great things from God who will do a mighty work that is impossible for us to do.
Praying together empowers the church through the Spirit of God for the mission of God. We cannot do ministry or mission without the Spirit of God. Without being empowered by the Spirit through prayer there is no ministry or mission that brings glory to God or does good to people.
Praying together in the Spirit unites the church. When the early church devoted themselves to prayer with one mind, the Spirit came upon them. And the coming of the Spirit led to greater unity for the church.
This is HOW we will pray together:
Starting Monday, January 3, we will meet via zoom from 7 to 7:30AM during weekdays and 8 to 9AM on Saturdays. Each day we will read together the day’s portion of our Bible Reading Plan (only New Testament portion due to the limited time). And then a prayer leader for the day will facilitate the prayer time.
On Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays, we will have prayer topics prepared by the day’s prayer leader who will guide our prayer time.
On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays we will be more flexible by giving an open space for us to meditate on the word on our own first for 10-15 minutes and then a few of us will share their devo and pray on behalf of all of us.
On Saturdays after a large group prayer time, we will break out into small groups to pray for one another.
Here is how YOU can participate in 21 Days of Prayer:
You can commit to participate for the whole 21 Days. It will do your soul good and your participation will bless and encourage others. Even if you may miss a day or two here and there, do not worry. You can always restart the next day.
You can commit to participate partially. You may want to commit to the first 7 days and/or the last 7 days. You may want to commit three days a week or every Monday or every Saturday. However you choose to commit, it will be wise to set your mind and carve out your schedule to commit to it throughout the 21 days.
You can commit on your own, or you can commit together with others—whether it be your spouse or with your friend or with your Life Group. Doing it together is always better than doing it alone. It keeps you accountable and encouraged to keep on keeping on with prayers. I encourage you to consider having a partner or a group of friends who can encourage you “strive together with them in their prayer to God.”
Brothers and sisters, let's pray together!