We will be offering Bibles (English Standard Version) and books for sale on Sep. 4 and 11. This is a great opportunity to purchase one for yourself, or for a friend at amazing prices! Quantities are limited to a maximum of 2 Bibles/books per person.
Available Bibles: Leather Study Bible ($40), Gospel Transformation Bible ($30), Journaling Bible ($25), Study Bible ($25), Wide Margin Reference Bible ($20), Thinline Bible ($15), Large-print Bible ($15), and Gift Bible ($10).
Available books: What Every Child Needs to Know About Prayer (Nancy Guthrie, $15), Jesus Storybook Bible ($10), 57 Words that Change (Darrel Johnson, $10), New Morning Mercies (Paul Tripp, $10), Prayer (John Onwuchekwa, $10), and Songs of Jesus (Tim Keller, $10).