Overview: Coffee Break is an inductive Bible study that connects both believers and seekers to the Bible through a small group setting. Using an informal, low-key approach to questions, Coffee Break encourages people to discover for themselves what the Bible says and means for their lives. Through application and sharing of life in light of God's Word, we strive for spiritual growth together.
This term we will study together Paul’s letters to Thessalonians and explore the following questions: How can I be sure that I am saved? How can I live a godly life? How do I deal with persecution? Am I ready for Jesus’ return?
Through these short books (Thessalonians 1 & 2), we will discover together what it means to have faith in Christ and depend on his Spirit to guide us every day.
Audience: Open to all ladies Facilitator: Hannah Lee (email: choi_boys@yahoo.ca) Time: Tuesdays 10 AM-12 PM, starting Sep 20 for 8 weeks Location: via Zoom Additional Info: $10 book fee Registration: Contact Hanna Lee; deadline is Sunday, Sep 11