No matter where you are in your faith journey, Alpha is a great place to come and explore the big questions about life, faith, and God. Come and connect with new people, and share your thoughts in a safe and friendly environment. Alpha will meet for 10 Saturdays via Zoom, and registration closes today. Visit ALPHA under EVENTS on our website to learn more.
What is Alpha?
Alpha is a series of sessions that explores the big questions about life, faith and God. It’s an opportunity to meet new people, discover more about Christian faith, and share your thoughts in a friendly environment.
Who is Alpha for?
It is both for seekers and Christians. For seekers Alpha will provide the basics of Christian faith. For Christians Alpha will strengthen your faith and help you in your spiritual growth. In whatever stage of faith journey you are in, Alpha is a great space to have conversations about life, faith and God.
When & Where do we meet for Alpha?
The course will start on Saturday, April 23, 11AM and will meet weekly (for 10 weeks) for an hour via Zoom.