Mission Conference 2025
MISSION CONFERENCE 2025: Please save the date! Christopher Wright Mission Conference open to all campuses and beyond will take place on Saturday March 29th 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM. Pre-conference gathering (guest speaker: Christopher Wright) will take place on Friday March 28th 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Location will be at our Mississauga campus.
Conference Registration Fees:
Early Bird (until Feb. 23, 2025): $20 (includes lunch)
Regular Rate (Feb. 24–Mar. 23, 2025): $30 (includes lunch)
At the Door: $20 (lunch not included)
More details can be found here: https://newhopefellowship.ca/mission-conference-2025
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/mission-conference-2025-tickets-1126456504729
Women’s Retreat 2025
WOMEN’S RETREAT: Register for this year’s Women’s Ministry Retreat taking place on March 7-8, 2025. This year’s theme is "Transformed by the Truth: Renewing our Hearts and Homes", Ephesians 4:17-5:21, with Guest Speaker Dr. Monica Chi Eaton. Dr. Monica Chi Eaton is an Associate Professor of Social Work at Redeemer University. She is a practicing psychotherapist whose practice focuses on family work, parenting, and couple counselling.
Register at https://forms.gle/45U6WHu4tkmAuitG6 by March 2, 2025.

2024 Annual General Meeting
New Hope Fellowship’s tri-campus Annual General Meeting (AGM) is on Sat. Jan 20, 10 AM -12 PM, in Room 308 at our Mississauga Campus (6965 Professional Court, Mississauga).
We will review God’s work of grace through our ministries in 2023, and preview and approve 2024’s budget.
We are asking all covenant members to attend by pre-registering by Sun. Jan 14. Family members must register individually, and childcare will be provided.
If you are attending virtually, Zoom meeting information will be emailed.
For those of you who would like to review the budget, please contact our finance team at finance@newhopefellowship.ca.

DATE: Sunday, October 8, 2023
TIME: 9:30 AM
LOCATION: Mississauga Campus, Immanuel Chapel

College and Young adults Retreat
Uptown College and Young Adults Retreat
Dates: July 13-15
Location: Somang Garden
Please Register

39th Anniversary Serivce (Joint)
39th Anniversary Service (Joint)
Please join us as we celebrate God’s overflowing grace for the past 39 years! This will be a joint service with Korean Ministry, English Ministry (all three campuses), and Russian Ministry. (Translation will be provided.)
Mississauga Campus
10:30 AM

Alpha #4: How Can I Have Faith? (ZOOM)
Alpha #4: “How Can I Have Faith?” (ZOOM)
May 27, 2023, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Alpha #3: “Why did Jesus Die?” (IN-PERSON)
Alpha #3: Why did Jesus die? (IN-PERSON)
May 20, 2023, 10:30 - 11:30 AM
Mississauga Campus, Room #312

Alpha #2: Who is Jesus? (ZOOM)
Alpha #2: “Who is Jesus?” (ZOOM)
May 13, 2023, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Alpha #1: In-Person
Alpha Small Group
Dates: 8 Saturdays (May 6-Jun 24)
Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM (alternating in-person and Zoom)
Location: Mississauga Campus, Room #312
Refreshments or lunch will be served during in-person sessions (see schedule).
Registration Deadline: April 30

Alpha Registration Deadline
Alpha Small Group
Dates: 8 Saturdays (May 6-Jun 24)
Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM (alternating in-person and Zoom)
Location: Mississauga Campus, Room #312
Refreshments or lunch will be served during in-person sessions (see schedule).
Registration Deadline: April 30

New Hope 101 (#2)
New Hope 101 (Membership)
Dates: April 22, 29
Time: 9:30-12:30 (refreshments and lunch provided)
Location: Room #312 (Miss. Campus)

Women's Ministry Fellowship
Women’s Ministry Fellowship
Dates: April 23
Time: 1pm-3:30pm (refreshments and lunch provided)
Location: Anna Chun’s Party Room
Please Register

New Hope 101 (#1)
New Hope 101 (Membership)
Dates: April 22, 29
Time: 9:30-12:30 (refreshments and lunch provided)
Location: Room #312 (Miss. Campus)

New Hope 101 Registration Deadline
New Hope 101 (Membership)
Dates: April 22, 29
Time: 9:30-12:30 (refreshments and lunch provided)
Location: Room #312 (Miss. Campus)
Good Friday Service
Our Good Friday service will be at 10:30 am on April 7 at the Mississauga campus: 6965 Professional Court, Mississauga. There will be no childcare or Children's Ministry. The online stream will be available.
Women’s Retreat
Please join us for our Uptown Women's Retreat! The retreat will be a wonderful time of enjoying the presence of Jesus Christ with fellow sisters. Please register as soon as possible because space is limited. Last day to register is March 5th! Regular cost is $160 per person. Subsidized cost for students is $80 per student. Our Uptown Church believes finances should NOT be a barrier to attending this retreat. If anyone needs subsidy of any kind, please don't hesitate to contact jeanie.l.yuh@gmail.com.
Covenant Members’ Meeting
We will be having a covenant members’ meeting on Sunday evening, February 26, over Zoom to share some important updates on how the Spirit is leading our church. Look out for more details.

2023 Annual General Meeting
New Hope Fellowship’s tri-campus Annual General Meeting (AGM) is on Sat. Jan 20, 10 AM -12 PM, in Room 308 at our Mississauga Campus (6965 Professional Court, Mississauga).
We will review God’s work of grace through our ministries in 2023, and preview and approve 2024’s budget. We are asking all covenant members to attend by pre-registering by Sun. Jan 14. Family members must register individually, and childcare will be provided.
If you are attending virtually, Zoom meeting information will be emailed.
For those of you who would like to review the budget, please contact our finance team at finance@newhopefellowship.ca.
Morning Prayer 2023
We will begin 2023 with morning prayer during each weekday of January 2 to 6 (7 to 7:30 am). Look out for the Zoom link via email.
Morning Prayer 2023
We will begin 2023 with morning prayer during each weekday of January 2 to 6 (7 to 7:30 am). Look out for the Zoom link via email.
Morning Prayer 2023
We will begin 2023 with morning prayer during each weekday of January 2 to 6 (7 to 7:30 am). Look out for the Zoom link via email.
Morning Prayer 2023
We will begin 2023 with morning prayer during each weekday of January 2 to 6 (7 to 7:30 am). Look out for the Zoom link via email.
Morning Prayer 2023
We will begin 2023 with morning prayer during each weekday of January 2 to 6 (7 to 7:30 am). Look out for the Zoom link via email.
Christmas Worship Service
We will be having a special Sunday worship service next Sunday. The praise time will be led by our Children’s Ministry Director, Jina Lee, and the sermon will be age-appropriate so that we can all worship together with our children. After service, we will also enjoy a time of snacks and refreshments, and a possible special guest appearance! Please also invite your friends who might be interested in hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Christmas Fellowship
Join us for our first Uptown retreat which will take place on Nov 4-6, 2022! Please sign up at https://newhope.to/uptownretreat2022 by Oct 2.
Newcomer Lunch On Us
Join us for our first Uptown retreat which will take place on Nov 4-6, 2022! Please sign up at https://newhope.to/uptownretreat2022 by Oct 2.
New Hope 101: Membership Class
If you are interested in learning more about New Hope Fellowship and how to become a covenant member, then classes will be offered on Saturdays November 12 and 19. Look out for more details.
New Hope 101: Membership Class
If you are interested in learning more about New Hope Fellowship and how to become a covenant member, then classes will be offered on Saturdays November 12 and 19. Look out for more details.
Wonder’s Playground Volunteering
Join us for our first Uptown retreat which will take place on Nov 4-6, 2022! Please sign up at https://newhope.to/uptownretreat2022 by Oct 2.

Uptown Retreat
Join us for our first Uptown retreat which will take place on Nov 4-6, 2022! Please sign up at https://newhope.to/uptownretreat2022 by Oct 2.