Prof. Rev. Jason Yuh

Pastor Jason joined the pastoral team as the Mississauga teaching pastor in August 2016, and is the former lead pastor of New Hope Fellowship Uptown Campus. Jason and his family are from Philadelphia where Jason worked as a product manager in software development and eventually went to seminary at Westminster Theological Seminary. One of the reasons for their move to Toronto was so that Jason could begin his PhD program in early Christianity and New Testament at the University of Toronto. He is currently a Professor of Biblical Studies at Redeemer University and has published a number of peer-reviewed research articles through the most selective academic journals. Jason’s conviction is to teach how all of Scripture points to the centrality of the death, resurrection, and life of Christ, which brings clarity, liberation, and joy in all aspects of reality. At Uptown, this translates primarily into the ministries of preaching, discipleship, teaching, and, above all, supporting Rev. Brian Moon and the leadership team.


Rev. Donghwan Moon


Jina Lee