Devotional: Luke 17-18
In yesterday's reading, Luke reports that Jesus is still busy teaching, healing, and ministering to people. Although some of these passages might seem random, they all cohere around the same topic: faith (Luke 17.5). Jesus explicitly points to faith as what healed the lepers (Luke 17.19) and the blind beggar (Luke 18.42).
What are some ways that we know that we are living in the kind of faith that Jesus exhorts? There are two things according to these chapters. First, faith enables us to pray and to not lose heart (Luke 18.1). Second, faith reminds us that it is not by our own righteousness (Luke 18.9), but by Christ's that we have this loving relationship with God; this enables us to be more loving toward others instead of judging them.
How is God challenging and encouraging you to have faith in your current situation? Let us exercise our faith together as we grow in prayer and in humility.