“Holy Spirit: the Living Water” - John 4:1-14; 7:37-39

Sermon series:  Unstoppable Work of the Holy Spirit
Sermon Title:  Holy Spirit: the Living Water
Scripture: John 4:1-14; 7:37-39


We all know just how important water is in our lives. Water is essential to our health, essential to our everyday living, and essential to life in general. 

And Jesus uses this image of water to help us relate to and grasp the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 

In John 4, the imagery that Jesus gives is a fountain of water welling up. In John 7, the Spirit is like a powerful river flowing. 

That's what the living water of the Holy Spirit is like. 


Through the story of Jesus’ meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well, the Lord teaches us that - as we drink of this living water of the Holy Spirit that Jesus gives, there is a:

  • Deep cleansing of the garbage of sin within us and deep healing of our wounds and sense of shame that we carry

  • Deep satisfaction and unparalleled joy that comes 

  • Power that sweeps away all that is holding us back to live a transformed life


  • How do we receive this Living water of the Spirit? How does the Holy Spirit well up from within and begin to flow like a powerful river inside of us? 

    • We come to Jesus, encounter him in a personal way and believe! 

  • As we come before Jesus and encounter him, as we place our genuine faith in the gospel and surrender our lives to Jesus - that’s when the living water will well up like a fountain and flow out like a river   

  • And when we truly come before Jesus in genuine faith and encounter Jesus in a personal way - 3 things happen:

  • Repentance: we acknowledge your sins and turn the other way 

  • Restoration of worship: we worship not out of tradition, ritual, or obligation, but in Spirit and in truth, glorifying him in our all aspects of our lives

  • Evangelize: we go out and share with others what we have experienced in the Lord 

  • This is how we know whether we have truly encountered Jesus in a genuine and personal way. And this is exactly how the Samaritan woman responded as she encountered Jesus at the well.

Key Bible passages:

  • John 4:1-39

  • John 7:37-30

  • Titus 3:5-6

Post-sermon questions:

  1. Meditate: Whether we know it or not, we are all thirsty. We all have thirsts that we long to satisfy. What quenches your thirst at this moment? Is it love? Acceptance? Security? Joy or happiness? 

  2. Reflect: Just like the Samaritan woman, we are all broken and wounded. We all have our own sins we carry and wreak havoc in our lives, turning it into a mess. Where are the areas of brokenness and wounds, of sin, that need the cleaning power of the Holy Spirit to bring healing and restoration? 

  3. Application: How will you consider applying the implications of this sermon in this coming week? 


“Spirit Empowered Witnesses” - Acts 1:1-8


“Taken by the Wind of the Spirit” - John 3:1-8