“Spirit Empowered Witnesses” - Acts 1:1-8

Sermon series:  Unstoppable Work of the Holy Spirit
Sermon Title:  Spirit Empowered Witnesses
Scripture: Acts 1:1-8


It’s easy for us as the church to gather week after week in our great huddles. To make the huddles as big as we possibly can, but never actually do something for the Kingdom of God. But Jesus is calling us to more than just gathering in huddles on Sunday. Jesus is calling us to be Spirit empowered witnesses. The Holy Spirit didn’t simply come for the enjoyment of the church, but for the empowerment of the church. 

The reality is that many Christians face a strong gravitational pull to focus primarily on our enjoyment, our happiness, our needs, our experience, our time with God – all without any real concern for others. And all too often, we live our lives absorbed with our own selves and in the process, we miss out on the beautiful and humbling opportunities that God wants to do in us and through us as empowered witnesses. 


  • In Acts 1, Jesus spends 40 days with His disciples teaching them about the Kingdom of God. He tells them that the Father has a wgift for them which is the Holy Spirit.

  • The disciples ask whether that means the restoration of Israel is finally happening as in Jewish theology, the restoration of Israel was to be marked by: 

  1. Resurrection of the dead 

  2. Outpouring of the Holy Spirit 

  • The disciples awaiting the restoration of Israel is essentially asking - ‘When the Spirit comes, will we be back in power?’

    • This reveals that the church often settles for power in position rather than being empowered for mission

  • In our context, the question of whether the Kingdom will be fully restored is the question of stability; it's the question of safety; question of familiarity; and questions of control.  

  • But Jesus says the Holy Spirit is not coming for our personal enjoyment or power in position, but for our empowerment for mission. 

    • We can view the Holy Spirit's presence and power as something that is simply to be received but never offered out. 

  • But our job description as a church and individuals is that We are called to be his witness. To be a witness means – 

  1. To be a martyr: dying for your faith, as well as dying to stability, to safety, and familiarity and control.  

  2. To be the one who announces - that Jesus Christ is alive; and that Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning; Jesus Christ is Lord. 


How do practically live out our lives as Spirit empowered witnesses in our daily lives? 

  • Witnessing through our Proclamation

  • Witnessing through our Demonstration

How do we access this power? 

  • By waiting upon the Lord acknowledging that we can do nothing apart from God’s empowerment

  • God's power + our weaknesses = Spirit empowered witnesses. 

Key Bible passages:

  • Acts 1:5-8

  • Matthew 5:16

  • Philippians 1:21

Post-sermon questions:

  • Meditate: In what ways do we settle for a desire for a position in power rather than to be empowered for mission?

  • Reflect: In what ways do we receive the Holy Spirit’s presence and power and in what ways can we offer them out?

  • Application: To be a witness means to be a martyr – what are the areas that we need to die to? And to whom can we practically proclaim and demonstrate the gospel in our life?   


“The Spirit Poured Out” - Acts 2:17-18


“Holy Spirit: the Living Water” - John 4:1-14; 7:37-39