“Our Palm Branches and Hosannas” - Matthew 21:1-11

Sermon Title:  Our Palm Branches and Hosannas
Scripture: Matthew 21:1-11


What do you do in troubling or difficult circumstances that are beyond your own control? Do you try to resolve the issue by your own will and strength?

At all levels: personal, social, and global – our reality is plagued with an inability to affect circumstances which are out of our control no matter how hard we try. This is true within the relationships in our household, how we desire to stay connected virtually, or even in our own careers and futures. 

In anticipation of Passion Week, we will be diving into the epitome of Palm Sunday and its significance even into our lives today, for it exposes two things about us: 1) The powerlessness we face in all aspects of our lives; and 2) An innate tendency to obtain control in the world around us.


The setting for this passage is one week before Passover, at the beginning of Holy Week. 

  • The Jewish were known for their elaborate festivals, celebration, and sense of rejoicing

  • Tens of thousands would gather in Jerusalem during Palm Sunday, to prepare for Passover

  • There has been lots of anticipation around Jesus arriving in Jerusalem, as news of His preaching and healing has spread 

Contrary to the people’s expectations, Jesus enters the scene on a donkey.

  • The people expected Jesus to come with all the glory associated with the image of a king or of the great Messiah

  • Instead, Jesus chose to put to death the recognition, the admiration, and power which this world elevates 

Many were waving and placing palm branches and shouting “Hosanna!” as Jesus arrived.

  • The palm branches symbolized the Jewish’s cry to be freed from oppression and powerlessness. Their only hope rests in Jesus.

  • Hosanna means “Save us now” or “Save us at this moment”

  • The Jewish were confessing their need for a Saviour and their longing to be rescued

Unlike the Jewish crowd’s awareness and genuine confession for the need of Jesus, we refuse to admit our need for Jesus to save us.

  • The biblical language of salvation may seem like a one-time occurrence

  • We are bombarded daily with situations of uncertainty, instability, anxiousness, and restlessness – which we precisely need freedom and deliverance from


The sooner we recognize and confess to the reality of needing God’s saving power, the sooner we receive the grace of His saving power.

  • We were created to commune with God, and this includes the laying down of our burdens and asking for His help

  • We need to honestly recognize our utter helplessness and weaknesses by placing our only hope in Him

  • Our refusal to ask for God’s help is an implicit method of trying to be God, through retaining control over our own lives

The palm branches and hosannas not only speak of our innate powerlessness and need to depend wholly on God, but these acts also point to our human tendency and propensity to control everything we can.

  • Palm branches point to the method

  • Hosannas point to the timing

  • Even in our choice to reach out and cry for God’s deliverance, we still end up wanting to control how He can work in our lives

  • We fail to see how He is working in a way over-and-above just our present circumstances, but for our long-term good

We are invited to trust in the mysterious, paradoxical, countercultural ways of Jesus. For us to wave our palm branches in a way which says “Lord, save us in Your ways and Your timing. Save us by Your power and by Your strength. Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!”

Within this coming week, pray that you may hold the palm branches in your hearts as a reminder that our Lord is as essential as life itself, in our plans and our futures. 

Sermon reflection questions:

  1. What was one of the main sermon points which stood out to you today?

  2. Do you view salvation as a one-time event or is it a daily reminder that you are being saved by the King?

  3. What is one area or a past circumstance where you chose to be your own god instead of leaning on God as your help?

  4. What do you struggle with surrendering more: waving your palm branch for Christ (the “method”) or shouting “Hosanna!” (the “timing”)?


“Do Not Hold On To Me” - John 20:11-18


“The Gifts of the Holy Spirit” - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11