“The Gifts of the Holy Spirit” - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

Sermon series:  Unstoppable Work of the Holy Spirit
Sermon Title:  The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11


During Pastor John’s days in Chicago, one of the senior pastors at his local church had an interesting ministry philosophy. 

For any child who walks through his office, they would be blessed with a small gift. Candy, chocolates, or toys – there was a gift for everyone.

Similarly, as believers in the family of Christ, we are blessed not only with the presence of the Holy Spirit, but also with spiritual gifts by the Spirit. A spiritual gift is an expression of the Holy Spirit that empowers a follower of Christ to strengthen the body of Christ. These gifts have been given to us not for ourselves – but for the blessing of edifying the church and the world around us. 


In this passage, Paul is speaking to the church in Corinth. The Corinthians were characterized by many gifts but struggling with maturity in utilizing them. Various problems of sexual immorality, distortion of the true gospel, and even profanity of communion was rampant. 

  • Similar to the Corinthians, we struggle with our own issues of immaturity within the abundance of spiritual gifts we are blessed with

Paul speaks on three categories of gifts in today’s passage:

  • Revelation gifts: messages of wisdom, of knowledge, of discernment or distinguishing between the spirits

  • Power gifts: gifts of faith, of healing, of miracles

  • Speaking gifts: gifts of prophecy, of tongues, of interpretation of tongues

There are many more found throughout Scripture. As found in Romans 12:6-8 – gifts of prophesying, of serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leadership, and showing mercy.


Though we may minister with and witness the numerous gifts God has given us, we ought to pay attention to the underlying truths and principles behind the gifts of the Spirit.

Paul’s wisdom and instruction to the Corinthians concerning spiritual gifts:

  • Gifts of the Spirit are given not based on our goodness, but on God’s goodness (v11)

    • Contrary to our world which functions on the system of meritocracy 

    • The system of God’s grace and the cross of Jesus says: “Even when you have not been good, God is still good to you!”

    • God gives gifts to all of his children, not just to his mature children 

  • Gifts of the Spirit are to be motivated by the fruits of the Spirit (v7)

    • Certain gifts manifest in certain people because of certain fruits of the Spirit which are already stirring from within

    • Also being conscious about utilizing the gift to serve and love into others, rather than satisfying longings of validation or pridefulness

  • Gifts of the Spirit are meant to be unwrapped and used

    • God’s invitation is for us to unwrap and put to good use the gifts he has given us

    • Being aware of how we are each only one part of the Body of Christ, yet we each fulfill and take on a unique and essential role within the Body

    • When we come together in unity to serve, that is how we grow and flourish as a healthy body, a healthy church 

Within this coming week, pray as you are in communion with God that he may reveal the gifts he has given you and prompt you to use these gifts to bless those around you. 

Sermon reflection questions:

  1. What was one of the main reflections which stood out from the sermon today for you?

  2. Do you know where your spiritual gifts lie? How has God confirmed that these are the gifts he has blessed you with? 

  3. What is one spiritual gift you see in your life? What is one spiritual gift you want, but do not have? Are you satisfied with what God has chosen to bless you with? 

  4. Have you reconciled your intentions in using your spiritual gifts for the blessing of the church and the world, or do you still struggle with issues of pride, self-centeredness, and validation in serving others with your gifts? 


“Our Palm Branches and Hosannas” - Matthew 21:1-11


“The Fruit of the Spirit (Part 2 of 2)” - Galatians 5:16-25