“Experiencing God’s Presence through Obedience”

SERMON Title:  Experiencing God’s Presence through Obedience
SCRIPTURE: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (ESV)

Worship: 10,000 reasons; you are my king (amazing love); give us clean hands; goodness of god


Elder Yong Kim shares some of the origins of New Hope Fellowship downtown as well as his personal testimony to faith.


New Hope Fellowship is the English ministry started ~38 years ago from Light Presbyterian Church.  As LPC was growing, the leadership saw a need for an English college/young adult ministry because of the drop in church attendance from college members.  Elder Yong started the college meetups in LPC with 1 student, and over time it grew.

Later, college students asked to meet downtown since many students lived downtown for university, so the church leaders prayed over this.  In the book study Experiencing God, there are three ways Jesus experienced God:

  • I do nothing on my own initiative

  • I watch to see what the Father is doing

  • I do what I see the Father already doing.

“My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.  I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.”  John 5:17-20

The leadership felt that God was calling LPC to minister to young people in downtown Toronto.  They decided to rent the current NHF DT building but with the option to buy the building later.

God’s will will be done, and you can participate with faith.  In Genesis 12:1, God tells Abram (Abraham) he will go to a new land.  He later promises Abram that he will grow into a great nation.  God does the same to Joshua 1:1-2 and Jesus says the same to the disciples in Mark 1:17-18.  God calls people to follow with faith and He provides.

Elder Yong’s Personal testimony

Elder Yong struggled to give thanks to God after his family store got robbed, but the Holy Spirit gave him the sympathetic strength to bless the robbers.  Later, God showed his redemption by retrieving back the stolen goods.  Elder Yong had a taste of God’s faithfulness.


Do you have a life verse that God speaks through to you?  If not, pray that God may reveal to you a verse that guides your life and opens your heart to experiencing God.  God is alive and He loves you.  Seeking Him and He will give you great joy and resilience over your life.

Sermon reflection questions: 

  1. What did you think about Elder Yong’s testimony?

  2. Do you have a life verse/motto?  What’s the story behind this verse/motto and why is it important to you?


“Entering into God’s rest (Pt. 1)”


“Running the Race with Jesus”