“Running the Race with Jesus”

SERMON SERIES:  Why We Began the Race
SERMON TITLE:  Running the Race with Jesus
Hebrews 2:5-18 (ESV)
Worship: God is Able; Who You Say I Am; Here I Am to Worship


We dive deeper into our vision message for this year: “Running the race” — the race found in Jesus Christ, “together” — we are not in the race alone but as a body of Christ, community, family, and as fellow brothers and sisters. 

Last week, we understood more about how Jesus is the creator and sustainer of the universe, He is the radiance of God’s glory, the exact imprint of God’s nature, the heir of all things, the very Word of God. Jesus’ nature of excellence and superiority is what gives us encouragement to run the race for His glory even when things get difficult because we know He has already accomplished what He has promised on our behalf. 

In today’s passage, we move beyond grasping who Jesus is, into what His relationship is for us. This matters because it is Jesus we are fixing our eyes on as we run the race.


Before going into our relationship with Jesus, the passage dives into who we are as human: 

  • The world was made for humans and all of creation is supposed to be under humankind’s control. (2:5)

  • Though angels are placed higher than humans (2:7a), this is only temporarily.

  • Though the world is supposed to be subject to humankind, where we are now is far from this reality. (2:8c)

  • We instinctively question why the world is the way it is… because deep down we know there should be a different reality. 

The 4 Roles of Jesus (Who He is):

  1. A King who got involved (2:9): As sinners, we are deserving of punishment. But Jesus chose to get involved not only at the risk of His life, but at the cost of His life to pay the ransom in our place.

  2. A Champion who saves (2:10, 2:14-15)

    • Just like how David was the champion of the nation of Israel who won the battle against Goliath (the champion of the Philistines), Jesus has won the battle against the devil on our (humankind) behalf. 

    • Similar to us today, we are each in our own battles. These battles bring fears that keep us in captivity:

      • Whether our battle is finding a partner and fearing remaining single for the rest of our life.

      • Whether our battle is maintaining our youth and beauty and fearing the effects of aging.

      • Whether our battle is facing the judgment of God and fearing displeasing God.

    • But we know Jesus our Champion has taken our greatest fear in anything and put it away! It was not easy for Jesus as we see from Scripture for He also feared (Luke 22:44). But He submitted to His Father’s will obediently for our sake. Though the enemy’s greatest weapon was death, our Champion (Jesus Christ) defeated it and freed us from our fears!

  3. A Brother who is not ashamed of us (2:11)

    • We forget we are sinners from time-to-time, but we are full of sin and make mistakes all the time. We are the one in the family who Jesus should have been ashamed of. But Jesus is not ashamed of us.

    • When Jesus first encountered Mary after resurrecting, He tells Mary to gather His brothers. These were the very people who forsook and betrayed Him just moments before His time of crucifixion. But Jesus calls His disciples His brothers and He is not ashamed of them. 

  4. A High Priest who empathizes and helps us (2:17-18)

    • It was not through His suffering on the cross that Jesus then learned firsthand of our human suffering. He is God and He knew everything even before time began. But Jesus’ suffering enabled Him to help us because:

      • We know when we pray, we pray to a God who understands and grasps the depth of our suffering.

      • We know He can help us without condemnation for in His suffering and temptation, He overcame the struggles without sinning.

    • Jesus is our High Priest who sits at the right hand of God and He shows us the ultimate victory is ours. On the cross by His blood, He has wiped away our guilt and shame and secured for us our victorious place over the power of sin.


This is who Jesus is for us:

  • A King who is involved in our life

  • A Champion who saves in the face of our fears

  • A Brother who is not ashamed of the greatest of sinners (us)

  • A High Priest who empathizes, comforts, and helps us

This is who Jesus is to you if you have placed your faith and trust in Him. This is who Jesus can be if you accept Him into your life as your Lord and Saviour!

Take whatever you are struggling with in your life and give it up to Jesus:

  • Are you seeking courage? Look at Jesus seated upon the throne in all of His glory, honour, and power. If He is for you, who can be against you?

  • Are you lonely? Be reminded that Jesus calls you His Brother and His Friend and because of this, He will never leave nor forsake you.

  • Are you overwhelmed with despair? Are you discouraged at your lack of victory over sin? When Satan tempts you to despair and reminds you of the sinful guilt and shame inside of you, look to Jesus who has already wiped away the consequences of all of your iniquities. It is finished and He wants you to walk in the freedom He has purposed for you.

  • Are you struggling in faith? Are you striving to believe in Him? You’re not alone in this and we may all struggle from time-to-time. But ask for faith and remember that even a tiny amount of faith (like a mustard seed) can move mountains when you continue seeking Jesus as your Saviour and Lord.

In moments of struggle and wrestling with questions and doubt in life, let us look to the glory of Jesus. Look for the ways He is all around You, listening to you, empathizing with you, lifting you up, encouraging and running the race with you! You don’t need a framework or a new paradigm, what you need is more of Jesus.

This is why we can run the race with confidence! Jesus is not just waiting for us at the goal post, He has already paved the way, He is with you in the present-day, and He is choosing to run the race with you until the very end. As your King, your Champion, your Brother, and your High Priest!

Sermon reflection questions: 

  1. Where are you currently in your relationship with Jesus Christ right now?

  2. What are you currently struggling with in your relationship with Jesus? Is it faith, hope, joy, assurance, peace, bitterness, contemplation, trust, or?

  3. What ways is Jesus actively working in your life as Your Champion who saves in the face of your fears, Your King who is near and understanding of what you’re going through, Your Brother who gives you confidence He is for you, or the High Priest who empathizes and comforts you?


“Experiencing God’s Presence through Obedience”


“Superiority of Christ”