“2024 Vision Message - Jesus Driven Life”

Sermon Title: 2024 Vision Message - Jesus Driven Life
Scripture: mark 1:14-20 ESV


For 2024, New Hope Fellowship is returning to our roots of being gospel-centered as we discover the best life we can live. There have been many highs in the past year, as we have seen magnificent growth across the three campuses with strengthened leadership teams, ministries being built up with new leaders and members, to welcoming individuals into our community who have accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour. 

Despite the many good things happening all around us, if we were to evaluate where we are and where we are heading, are we certain that our lives are Jesus-driven? As a church, we seek to learn from Jesus' posture over this year as we return to Jesus Christ's original vision as followers of Christ.

A Jesus-driven life is a gospel-centered life

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” (Mark 1:15)

  •  A Gospel-centered life proclaims that the Kingdom of God is active and near. Similar to how Jesus' ministry involved healing the sick and casting out demons, the Gospel points to the restoration and renewal that comes from the power of the kingdom of God.

  • A Gospel-centered life is filled with, walks with, and extends the reality and presence of God. As Jesus was sent to die on the cross for us, we have been forgiven and redeemed by His blood on the cross. As believers with lives that have been restored and renewed in our areas of brokenness and weakness, we walk with the kingdom of God as a witness for those around us.

  • A Gospel-centered life experiences the kingdom of God as a reality in our lives. For those who have not experienced love, grace, freedom, or joy in the past, we can now experience it as we have been freed as slaves to anger, bitterness, and despair.

A Jesus-driven life is a missional life

And Jesus said to them “Follow me and I will make you become fishers of men.” (Mark 1:17)

  • A missional life is one used by God for others. Investing and pouring into areas beyond our immediate circle of commitments. Pastor Jason highlighted how this past year, the children's ministry at the Mississauga campus partnered with their local community in Malton to serve them. A believer's growth and faith will eventually shift beyond their internal periphery and into their external community. This is in line with a believer's growth in extending their heart and hands outwardly into their community.

  • A missional life is not a careful life ("Managing church model") or a stagnant ("Museum church model") life. A missional church desires to send its children and members out into the world, though it may be fearful or uncertain, so that its members may be empowered and further grow as followers of Christ and used by God to proclaim the Kingdom of God wherever they go.

A Jesus-driven life is a life of pursuing intimate spirituality

And immediately he called them and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants and followed him. (Mark 1:20)

  • Intimate spirituality represents a daily desire for our Lord. Jesus asks for us to follow, seek, and walk with Him daily.

  • Intimate spirituality rooted in Jesus involves daily reading of the Scriptures, praying for His will to be done, gathering in community with other believers, and sharing life while building one another up in kingdom values.

  • Intimate spirituality involves your local church members because there is strength found in numbers, accountability, and consistency. Having a community to pour into and be poured into aids the individual pursuit of Jesus and gospel-centered living. 

Jesus is extending His holy invitation to us as an individual, at church, in our homes, in our workplaces, at school, in our relationships, in our ministries, and in our life's purposes. Pray for the willingness to accept Jesus' invitation to transform you to be more like Him over 2024, for opportunities to encounter and grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His plans for you, and establishing a daily discipline of setting aside time to spend with Him in prayer and in reading His Word.

Sermon reflection questions

  1. As you look back on your 2023, what influences or values were predominantly driving your life? Were they subconscious or conscious motivators? Heading into 2024, how can you align the primary drivers of your life with the values of pursuing a gospel-centered life? 

  2. As we start off this new year, do you have a daily rhythm of seeking Jesus in reading and/or praying? If not reading and/or praying, how else do you connect with Jesus? What has helped you stay on track in your daily disciplines of spending time with Jesus? 

  3. Given Sunday's sermon on the vision message by Pastor Jason Noh, what is your greatest desire/prayer for your relationship with Jesus Christ and in pursuing a gospel-centered life? 


“2024 Vision Message: The Foundation of The Church”


“Examine and Return”