“2024 Vision Message: The Foundation of The Church”

Sermon Title: 2024 Vision Message: The Foundation of The Church
Scripture: matthew 16:13-18 ESV


What is a church and what is the identity and the mission of the church? How we answer this question will determine the purpose and direction of all that we do as a church. Contrary to what many Christians may think, the church is not an event, a location, a product, or an experience. Yes, we have events; we gather at a location; we offer religious and spiritual products such as Bible studies, workshops, Life Groups, and so forth; we have experiences. However, the church is not these things. Then, what is the church?

The Bible speaks of the Church as: the family of God (Rom. 8:14-17); the body of Christ (Eph. 4:15-16); the citizens of God’s Kingdom (Eph. 2:19); the flock of God (Acts 20:28); a holy nation (1 Peter 2:9). These metaphors offer us different perspectives on the identity and mission of the church. What unites the diverse aspects of the church is what Jesus said about the church, and his words powerfully echo in our individual lives, our congregation, and the church.


Who do you say that I am?

“Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is? (v.13) In Caesarea Philippi, the center of pagan worship, Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?

·       His disciples answer, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets (v.14).” Jesus, then, directs the question to his disciples, “But who do you say that I am? (v.15)” We will be confronted by this question time after time, and how you answer this question will determine how you live in the world.

·       Peter passionately answers, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God (v.16).” The Greek language emphasizes the word “you” – YOU ARE the messiah, YOU ARE the son of the living God! Jesus blesses Peter for his answer and reveals that this answer came from the Father in heaven because Jesus had not revealed this information to them yet.

·       This is when Jesus gave Simon Bar-Jonah the name of Peter, which means “rock” in Greek, and Jesus says, and on this rock I will build my church (v.18).” Here we find a profound truth: Identifying who Jesus is rightly means Christ gives you a new identity in return!

·       The interpretation of this verse has caused the greatest division in the Church; the Catholic Church deemed Peter as the first Pope of Rome, which has given every succession of popes to hold authority on par with the authority of Scripture. Protestants believe (and New Hope believes) that it was upon Peter’s confession that Christ would build his Church. Yes, God used Peter powerfully in the foundation of the Church (Acts 2:14-47; 10:1-48), but we believe that Jesus was building upon Peter’s confession which was a declaration of Peter’s personal faith in Christ. When Christians place their faith in Jesus Christ and share in Peter’s confession, we also share his authority in building the church!

“I will build my church” – There is a profound truth in these five words of Jesus.

1. “I will…”

·       These are Jesus’ faithful and trustworthy promise that he will make it happen. We can trust in his words because Jesus kept the promise of his death and resurrection!

·       Jesus is also speaking about his endless future involvement in the life of the church; therefore, we must remember that Jesus is active right now through His Spirit! It is a reminder that no matter what is happening in the world culturally or socially, Christ is at work this very moment!

·       The Bible describes Jesus sitting at the right hand of God (Cf. Matt. 26:64), so our impression of Jesus is watching us as he sits from afar. In the context of Scripture and Christ, “to sit” refers his authority and power! For the King works and moves a kingdom from his throne! Yet, our King is not wielding his authority and power from a distance, but he is near and active right now in our lives and in our church!


2.Build” – I will build…” Jesus establishes the church upon the rock of Peter's confession.

·       The church is built upon nothing else except upon the confession of the church! Our confession as a church is that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of the living God!

·       This also presents a tough truth that Christ is not building every church because not every church is confessing and living out the truth of this confession! Confessing Jesus as Messiah means you say “no” to every other false messiah that claims it can rescue us. Confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord means you are saying that everything else is not.

·       It is not about the size of the church. If the church is not built upon Peter’s confession, then Jesus is not the one building the church. Many churches have turned away from this confession out of fear of being persecuted, labeled a bigot, cancelled, or simply wanting to justify their desire to sin to avoid shame and guilt.

·       Another important building work of Jesus is you. Jesus is making something out of you because you are part of the church. Wherever you are, Jesus will build you up and strengthen you! It is his promise!


3. “My Church” – “I will build my church.The emphasis is on the word “my” because the church belongs to Jesus!

·       There are people, even pastors, elders, deacons, influential families, and individuals in the church, who think the church belonged to them as if it was their own possession and legacy. Jesus makes this very clear to us, the church belongs to no one else but Jesus Christ alone!

·       When we confess that Jesus is Lord, when we are baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, let it be clear that your belongingness and allegiance is to Jesus Christ alone! Our Communion Sundays are a constant reminder of this truth.



I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  (v.18)

·       Jesus is saying that soon a day is coming when the powers of hell and death and destruction will no longer prevail in our lives, in our families, and in our society.

·       Today, the church is often on the defense, fearing society’s scrutiny, animosity, and persecution. Often, the church lives without prophetic power because it has traded it for political power. This verse is often interpreted as the church on the defense and barricaded behind sturdy gates as the forces of hell advance and lay siege upon it. That’s not what Christ is saying! It’s the opposite! It is Christ who builds and leads the church to advance upon the gates of hell and the powers of hell will fall!

·       Even though it may seem like the church is on the defense, we are advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the good news of God’s love for a broken world and broken people, of God’s power to rescue people from their deepest despair and bring healing in the name of Jesus. The gospel is advancing and the gates of hell will fall!


Reflection and Response

God has called us to be a Jesus-driven church that moves with a gospel-centered missional spirituality, but for us to be established as a church, we need to be built upon the rock of our confession that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. So, who is Jesus to you?

-        Is he just a good teacher who teaches us good morals? Is he just a ticket to enter heaven? Is he a just tool for you to get ahead in life?

-        Is he the Messiah who saved from your sins? Is he the Lord to whom you belong and to whom you gave allegiance?

-        Have you sought out other things as your Lord because you felt Jesus was far and distant?

-        Have you held other things – your career, wealth, health, success, security, your family, your children, your relationship with a loved one, and yourself – as your lord?

-        Looking over your life right now, do you feel you belong to Jesus or something else?

-        How has Jesus been present and active in your life in building you up as an individual and as the church?


“2024 Vision Message: The Church as a Family - Living in Spirituality”


“2024 Vision Message - Jesus Driven Life”