“Gideon’s Victory and Downfall”

SERMON Title: Gideon’s Victory and Downfall
SCRIPTURE: Judges 6:33-8:28 ESV


In our series on Gideon, we saw that the Israelites, drifting from God and living in disobedience, were overpowered by the Midianites for seven years. The Midianites, along with other tribes, destroyed crops, stole livestock, and left Israel helpless. In desperation, the Israelites cried out to God. God responded by calling Gideon, a man filled with doubt and fear. When the angel of the Lord appeared to him, Gideon was hiding in a winepress, threshing wheat. The angel greeted him as a "mighty warrior" and told him that God would send him to rescue Israel. Gideon questioned God, saying, "Why has all this happened, and am I really the right person?"

Even after God assured him of His presence, Gideon hesitated, asking the angel to wait while he prepared an offering. Instead of rebuking him, God patiently waited. When Gideon returned, the angel touched the offering, and fire consumed it, leaving Gideon amazed and afraid. Still fearful, Gideon obeyed God's command to tear down his father’s altar to Baal, but he did it secretly at night. Despite Gideon’s doubts, God reassured him, promising victory. We learn that, like with Gideon, God is patient with our doubts and fears and gives us the courage to follow Him.

Now, as we continue to reach the climax of the story, we see several important incidents that take place before Gideon finally defeats the Midianite army, and then a few more incidents that lead to his downfall. So today, we’ll look at:

1.     Fleece incident – in which Gideon tests God again

2.     Gideon and his 300 warriors – in which 32,000 men are reduced to just 300.

3.     Gideon’s defeat of the enemy.

4.     Gideon’s downfall after his victory and what lesson we can learn from it.

1. The Fleece Incident: Gideon's Doubt and God's Patience

After Gideon had been called by God to lead Israel against the Midianites, and even after the Spirit of the Lord came upon him (Judges 6:34), we still see Gideon wrestle with doubt and fear. Gideon’s doubts weren’t erased just by the call to action, and his anxiety over the situation led him to request signs from God to reassure him.

Gideon’s Request for Signs (Judges 6:36-37):
Gideon’s request to lay a fleece on the threshing floor was a bold and somewhat unusual request, especially considering all the signs he had already received from God up to that point. The fleece test was not an act of faith, but rather a reflection of Gideon’s lack of faith. He asked for a sign to prove that God was truly with him and that God would indeed deliver Israel through his leadership.

In essence, Gideon was looking for more tangible proof—he wanted to feel secure in the decision. This request wasn't born out of genuine curiosity for divine guidance, but rather from Gideon’s insecurities. He wanted to eliminate any remaining doubt he had before stepping into the role God had called him to.

God’s Response: God, in His incredible patience, answered Gideon’s request by causing the fleece to be wet with dew while the ground remained dry (Judges 6:38). This miraculous event could not be attributed to natural causes. Yet, even after receiving this confirmation, Gideon still wasn’t fully convinced.

Gideon’s Second Request for a Sign (Judges 6:39-40):
Not only did Gideon request the fleece test once, but he asked God to reverse the conditions the next night: this time, he wanted the fleece to remain dry while the ground would be covered in dew. Again, God patiently answered. The following morning, the fleece was dry, and the ground was wet.

The Lesson: While many people view Gideon’s actions as an example of seeking God's will, it's important to understand that this is not a model of discerning God’s will. Instead, it is a demonstration of Gideon’s fear and lack of faith. Despite numerous encounters with God, and clear signs, he still struggled with trust. His focus was not on seeking God’s will but on alleviating his fears. For modern believers, seeking multiple signs as Gideon did is not a faith-building practice, but can instead lead to the danger of ignoring God's will when He speaks clearly.

Why Did God Respond?
Some might ask why God, who had already spoken clearly to Gideon, would continue to provide signs. God’s response was an act of grace, showing His patience with Gideon’s weakness. Despite Gideon’s lack of faith, God was determined to use him for His greater purpose—to deliver Israel from the oppression of the Midianites. God was showing His mercy, helping Gideon overcome his fears, and building his trust in Him.

2. The Reduction of Gideon’s Army: Learning to Trust in God’s Power Alone

The Army Numbers: Initially, Gideon gathered an army of 32,000 men to fight against the Midianites, who were estimated to number around 135,000 (Judges 8:10). In human terms, this was still a very small army compared to the vast Midianite force. But God declared that this number was too large. Why? Because God wanted the people of Israel to know, without a doubt, that their victory would come from His power alone, not from their own military strength or numbers.

The First Reduction (Judges 7:2-3): God instructed Gideon to send home anyone who was fearful or trembling. This would not only reduce the size of the army, but it would also filter out those who were not fully trusting in God for the victory. When Gideon announced this, 22,000 men left, leaving only 10,000.

The Second Reduction (Judges 7:4-7): God then told Gideon that 10,000 men were still too many. God had a specific way in mind to further reduce the army. He told Gideon to take the men to a water source and observe how they drank. Those who drank water by cupping it in their hands and staying alert would be kept, while those who knelt down with their faces to the water would be sent home.

In the end, only 300 men were selected, and this small group was now tasked with fighting an army of 135,000. The reason behind this was not arbitrary. God was showing that it would not be the strength of the army, but His power, that would win the battle.

The Significance:

  • Divine Dependence: The reduction of Gideon’s army served to strip away any human confidence or reliance on strength. Victory would no longer be attributed to their own efforts but to God’s miraculous intervention.

  • Testing Gideon’s Faith: While this act demonstrated God’s power and glory, it also served to expose and test Gideon’s faith. With only 300 men, Gideon was forced into a situation where he had no choice but to trust God completely. This was a critical point in his journey.

3. The Victory: Trusting in God’s Unconventional Strategy

With his reduced army, Gideon was now ready to confront the Midianites. However, the strategy that God provided was unconventional and did not follow typical military practices.

God’s Assurance (Judges 7:9-14): Despite Gideon’s obedience, he was still fearful, so God offered another sign. Gideon was instructed to go down to the enemy camp with his servant Purah to overhear a conversation that would provide him with further confirmation of God’s victory.

When they arrived, they overheard a Midianite soldier recounting a dream: a loaf of barley bread tumbled into the camp and knocked over a tent. The interpretation of the dream was that it represented Gideon’s victory over the Midianites. This dream was confirmation that the Lord had already delivered the Midianites into Gideon’s hands.

Gideon’s Response (Judges 7:15): Gideon’s first response to hearing the dream was to worship God. Despite the confirmation and assurance, Gideon’s immediate reaction was not to charge into battle, but to pause and recognize God’s faithfulness. This was a moment of humility, acknowledging that victory was not because of his own strength or strategy, but because of God's intervention.

The Battle Strategy (Judges 7:19-22): Gideon’s strategy was unconventional, requiring his 300 men to carry trumpets, empty jars, and torches. The plan was that at a specific moment, they would surround the Midianite camp, blow their trumpets, smash the jars to reveal the torches, and shout, “A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!”

This noisy, chaotic strategy caused panic among the Midianites, who turned on each other in confusion. The Lord Himself set the Midianites to fight among themselves, and Gideon’s men pursued the survivors, securing a complete victory.

The Significance: This victory clearly demonstrated that it was not the military strategy, the numbers, or the weapons that won the battle—it was the power of God. Gideon and his 300 men were weak and outmatched, but they trusted in God’s plan, and God delivered Israel through them.

4. Gideon’s Humility and the Ephraimites’ Discontent

After the victory, the Ephraimites, who had not been part of the battle until the very end, were upset that they hadn’t been called earlier. They were angry at Gideon for not including them sooner. Gideon, however, handled their complaints with great wisdom and humility.

  • Gideon’s Response (Judges 8:1-3): Instead of taking offense or becoming defensive, Gideon responded with humility, telling them that what they had accomplished—capturing the two Midianite princes, Oreb and Zeeb—was far more significant than his own actions. He deflected the praise from himself and directed it to them, calming their anger and preventing a potential division within the Israelite camp.

The Significance: Gideon’s wisdom here demonstrated a mature leadership style. Rather than asserting his own glory or taking the credit, he humbled himself and ensured unity among the people. This response highlights how leaders should respond to conflicts—by prioritizing humility and unity over personal glory.

5. The Tragic Downfall of Gideon

Despite all the victories and his initial faithfulness, Gideon’s downfall came later in his life, marked by a series of critical mistakes that distorted his legacy.

The Mistakes:

  • Violent Revenge (Judges 8:16-17): After his victory, Gideon came across Israelites who had not helped him during the battle (the men of Succoth and Penuel). He responded by punishing them harshly, even killing the men of Penuel. This was in direct contrast to God’s patience and mercy with him. His actions revealed that, despite God’s grace, he was prone to respond in anger and violence when wronged.

  • Personal Vengeance (Judges 8:18-19): When Gideon captured the Midianite kings, his motives for killing them were driven not purely by obedience to God but by personal vengeance for the death of his brothers. This personal revenge clouded his judgment and took away from the pure righteousness of God’s justice.

  • Taking Credit for the Victory (Judges 8:22-23): The Israelites asked Gideon to rule over them, but Gideon wisely refused, acknowledging that only God should rule Israel. However, he took a subtle step towards self-glorification by requesting the gold taken from the defeated Midianites and making an ephod—a religious object that would later become an idol (Judges 8:24-27). Gideon inadvertently led Israel into sin by making an idol, demonstrating how easily one can fall into idolatry when not vigilant about personal pride.

6. Lessons from Gideon’s Life: A Warning Against Pride and Self-Glorification

The Danger of Pride and Self-Glorification: Gideon’s downfall was not due to a single catastrophic decision but a series of smaller compromises that led him away from true humility. Even though he had been an instrument of God’s deliverance, he let pride and vengeance creep into his life, leading him to make choices that damaged his legacy.

God’s Humility vs. Gideon’s Pride: The New Testament teaches us about the importance of humility through the example of Jesus Christ. Unlike Gideon, who became prideful and sought his own glory, Jesus humbled Himself, even to the point of death on the cross (Philippians 2:8). Jesus’ humility was central to His mission—He did not seek earthly glory, and His sacrifice on the cross provides the ultimate example of selflessness and obedience to God.

The Lesson for Today: In times of success, it’s easy to take credit for the victory and forget that God is the one who provides. Just as Gideon fell into pride, so too can we, especially when things go well. Proverbs 16:18 reminds us that “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” The story of Gideon serves as a cautionary tale for believers to remain humble, recognize God's work, and remember that all glory belongs to Him.


When we experience success and victories in life, let us remember that all goodness comes from the Lord. Every blessing, success, and strength is by His grace alone. May we stay vigilant against pride and give Him all honor, so our journey ends in His glory.

Jesus Christ, who deserved all glory, humbled Himself for our sake. Unlike Gideon, who fell into self-glorification, Christ showed us the way of surrender to God’s will. His victory over sin and death was for our salvation, not for recognition.

Let us live in light of the gospel. As we remember Christ’s example, may we humble ourselves before God, acknowledge His grace, and reject self-glorification. May our lives reflect His humility, our hearts be filled with gratitude, and our victories testify to His power.

Reflection and Response

At this time, let’s take a moment to reflect and respond.

As we reflect on Gideon’s story, let us remember that true victory comes not from our strength, wisdom, or accomplishments, but from God’s grace alone. Just as Gideon faltered in pride and self-glorification, we, too, must guard our hearts and fix our eyes on Christ—the perfect example of humility and obedience.

So take a moment to ask ourselves:

-       When things go well in your life—whether in success, relationships, or personal growth—who gets the credit? Do you acknowledge the work of God’s mighty hand, or do you take the glory for yourself?

-       Are there specific areas in your life where you need to redirect the credit back to God for the victories and blessings you’ve experienced?

-       When God reveals His faithfulness by turning your fears into confidence, what is your response? Do you focus on the task ahead in excitement, or do you take time to acknowledge Him in worship?

-       Gideon started strong in faith but stumbled when pride took over. How can you rely on God’s grace to keep your heart humble and obedient like Jesus, rather than trusting in your own ability to stay on the right path?


“God’s Justice Always Prevails”


“Doing Good God's Way: Obedience with the Right Heart”