“God’s Justice Always Prevails”

SERMON Title: God’s Justice Always Prevails


The story we find in Judges chapter 9 is about a man named Abimelek. And to understand who he was, we need to look at the end of chapter 8, which gives us some context: It says in Judges 8:29-31 - Jerubbaal the son of Joash went and lived in his own house. Now Gideon had seventy sons, his own offspring, for he had many wives. And his concubine who was in Shechem also bore him a son, and he called his name Abimelech.

If you remember from last week’s sermon, after Gideon saved the Israelites from the oppression of the Midianites, the people came and asked him to be their ruler. But Gideon refused, acknowledging that God was the true ruler of Israel. However, despite rejecting the title of ruler, Gideon lived like one. He chose not to become a king, but he lived like a king. And so, just like the kings of those days, he married many wives, and from these wives, Gideon had 70 sons. But apparently, even these many wives were not enough for him. So what did he do? He took a concubine for himself.

  • A concubine is similar to a mistress—someone who is not legally married to a man but has a relationship with him.

  • So, in addition to all the wives who bore him 70 sons, Gideon had a concubine from Shechem who bore him another son named Abimelek.

  • Now, The fact that she was from Shechem is significant because Shechem was a Canaanite city with a history of idolatry and rebellion against God. And so, by taking a concubine from Shechem, Gideon aligned himself with a people who had often been in conflict with Israel and its covenant with God.


After Gideon’s death, the people of Israel continued to honor his 70 sons. However, Abimelech, a son of Gideon by a concubine from Shechem, was not seen as a legitimate ruler. Angered by this rejection, Abimelech sought power, approaching his Shechemite relatives with the proposal: "Would you rather have 70 sons rule, or just one? Remember, I am your flesh and blood" (Judges 9:1-2). The Shechemites, persuaded by his connection to them, gave him 70 pieces of silver to fund his campaign.

Abimelech used this money to hire ruthless men and murdered all 70 of his brothers, leaving only the youngest, Jotham, to escape. His ruthless ambition led to a massacre in his pursuit of power.


Now, when we take a look in our world today, there are many evil people doing the same thing as Abimelek. We may not see such brutal acts of murder so often, but in the context of our daily lives, much of the same evil happens all around us!

  • People deliberately ruin other people’s reputations and sabotage their efforts to make themselves look better.

  • There are people who relentlessly step on others to bring themselves ahead of everyone else, whether in their careers or social circles.

  • Some people spread false rumors or gossip about their colleagues at work to tarnish their reputation and secure promotions for themselves.

  • In academic settings, students undermine their classmates by sharing false information about assignments or deliberately withholding helpful resources to get ahead.

  • On sports teams, there are athletes who push others down or take unethical shortcuts to gain a competitive edge.

  • Even within families, as we see in the story of Jacob and Essau, siblings may manipulate situations to gain favor from their parents or relatives.

  • In friendship circles, some people engage in toxic behavior, turning friends against each other just to make themselves look better or feel more powerful.

  • Sadly, even within the Church, there can be individuals who pursue leadership positions or influence by stepping on others, rather than seeking to serve the body of Christ.

After committing such an atrocious act, Abimelech’s rise to power was not immediately challenged. For three years, he ruled over the people of Shechem without opposition. This period of seeming success for Abimelech and his supporters must have been a time of frustration for those who knew the truth about his actions. From their perspective, it likely felt like God had abandoned them, as the guilty man thrived while the innocent suffered.

During this time, God did not intervene in the way people might have expected. This can be difficult to understand. In the modern world, we often witness people who thrive despite their evil actions—politicians who lie and cheat, businesspeople who cut corners, or individuals who engage in corrupt practices. These individuals often seem to get ahead, accumulating wealth, power, and influence while those who act with integrity struggle to keep up.

It can feel as though God is silent when such injustice seems to go unpunished. We may wonder why God doesn’t act more quickly, especially when we see the wicked prospering. But the story of Abimelech reminds us that God's timing is perfect, even if it doesn’t align with our desires or expectations. God does not allow evil to go unchecked forever. His justice may take time, but it will eventually prevail.

Judgement upon Those Who Align with Evil

In Judges 9:7–15, Jotham, the only surviving son of Gideon, delivers a prophetic parable to the people of Shechem. Through this parable, Jotham warns them that they have made a grave mistake by aligning themselves with Abimelech. The parable compares the leaders of Shechem to trees looking for a king. The trees first approach the olive tree, then the fig tree, and the vine, but each one refuses to leave its fruitful role to rule over the trees. Finally, they turn to the bramble, a thorny bush, who promises refuge but only threatens destruction if they don’t comply.

The bramble (representing Abimelech) offers empty promises. It cannot provide the protection it claims; instead, it will only bring harm. The curse that Jotham pronounces will soon come to pass, as the Shechemites’ choice to follow Abimelech leads to their downfall. This is exactly what happens when they align themselves with Abimelech and suffer the consequences of his actions.

The judgment of God is not reserved for the wicked alone; those who align themselves with evil are also held accountable. The Shechemites who supported Abimelech, despite knowing the evil he had done, share in the judgment that falls upon him. This is a stark reminder of the danger of supporting or enabling evil in any form.

The Downfall of Abimelech

Abimelech’s reign, though seemingly secure for a time, eventually led to his downfall. He sought to conquer the city of Thebez, where the people had fled to take refuge in a stronghold. But the woman in the tower of Thebez struck a decisive blow. She threw a millstone from the tower, striking Abimelech on the head and fatally wounding him. Realizing that his end was near, Abimelech asked his armor-bearer to kill him to avoid the shame of being killed by a woman (Judges 9:50-55). His death was a disgraceful end for a man who had exalted himself through violence and deceit. God’s justice was evident in this event. Abimelech’s violent and self-serving actions had led to a tragic end, not just for him, but for those who had supported him. His demise was a direct result of the curse pronounced by Jotham and the justice of a righteous God who does not overlook evil.

Today, we still see the rise of individuals who, like Abimelech, pursue power and influence at any cost. Whether through political manipulation, corporate corruption, or personal betrayal, people continue to harm others to achieve their goals. This can lead us to wonder why God allows such evil to continue. But we must remember that God is just, and He will deal with every act of evil in His perfect timing. When we witness injustice, we should not despair. While evil may seem to triumph in the short term, God’s judgment is certain. The story of Abimelech reminds us that no one who lives by evil will escape God’s justice.

Abimelek's Downfall: A Sobering Reminder

When evil and injustice seem rampant, and those in power exploit the vulnerable without consequences, it can feel like God is silent or indifferent. It may appear that corrupt individuals are thriving without punishment. However, the story of Abimelek reminds us that God’s justice always prevails. Abimelek exalted himself at the expense of others, leading to his downfall—he died in disgrace, his skull crushed by a millstone and killed by his own servant. This was not a random event but the result of God’s righteous justice.

Though evil may seem to prosper for a time, God's judgment ultimately falls on those who perpetuate injustice. No one can escape His justice. God will hold accountable every evil act, every wrong, and every injustice. This is why Jesus is the ultimate hope for the oppressed—He alone brings perfect justice. When He returns, He will come as the righteous Judge, and all wrongs will be made right. Jesus will restore the broken world through His perfect justice, and every knee will bow before Him. For those suffering injustice, take heart and stand firm in hope. Our Lord Jesus is coming again to bring justice and restore all things.

God’s Justice and Mercy: The Full Picture

The gospel not only promises justice but also extends mercy. God is just, and He will execute justice against evildoers. However, He is also merciful, offering grace to those who repent. Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, He made a way for all to return to God, receive forgiveness, and be restored.

This message is particularly good news for those who have lived driven by selfish ambition or wrongdoing. No matter our past, God’s mercy is greater. As the Apostle Paul writes in Romans 5:8, "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Though Jesus will one day return to judge the living and the dead with perfect justice, until then, He offers mercy to all who repent. The cross of Christ is our ultimate source of hope.


So, as we reflect on the lessons from Abimelek’s tragic story, let us be reminded of this truth: that No matter how bleak the world may seem, and no matter how far we may have fallen, there is always hope in Jesus. So let us turn to Him in faith and repentance, knowing that His mercy endures forever and His justice will one day reign in full.

Reflection and Response

At this time, as the worship team comes forward, lets take a moment to reflect and respond. As we think about the message today, let’s ask ourselves:

  • When it feels like God is silent in the face of injustice, how can you remind yourself that He will bring justice in His perfect timing? How does the truth that Jesus will one day bring perfect justice to the oppressed bring you hope in your own struggles?

  • Are there areas in your life where you've been complicit in injustice—through action or indifference? How is God calling you to repent and embrace His mercy in those areas?

  • How can you live today with the hope that Jesus will one day make all things right, and how does that hope shape your actions and attitude toward injustice in the world?

As you reflect on these questions, let us turn our hearts to God in prayer, asking Him to search us, renew us, and lead us in His justice and mercy.


“Gideon’s Victory and Downfall”