“The story of sin and faithfulness”

SERMON Title: The story of sin and faithfulness
SCRIPTURE: Genesis 6:5-22 (ESV)


Today’s passage covers the story of Noah and the ark. We look at this story to understand the sinfulness of the world, the corruption and evil that was rampant among mankind, and yet God still chose to use Noah to showcase His saving grace and mercy for humans.



  • Similar to what we looked at last week, we read that the people were caught up in their sin, their selfishness, their corruption, and their wickedness.

  • Just like the life we live today, what fills the world is also destruction, brokenness and violence.

  • Sin is pervasive in the world but also internally within us. How quickly can we go from communing with God in peace and love, to exhibiting fierce anger and frustration when things do not go our way?

So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin. (Romans 7:25b)


  • We look outside our lives to see how God saves us and this world through His faithfulness. He is looking for faithful people to partner with Him in His faithfulness.

  • We can also exhibit faithfulness - when we choose to abide with God even when we do not have all the details of God’s plan over our lives. Even when we want to give up. Even when we don’t believe or see His present goodness.

If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself. (2 Timothy 2:13)


  • Though Noah was a faithful servant (and an example for us) and the ark saved Noah’s family - we see that both person and object points to the One who is greater: Jesus Christ.

  • Jesus is the One who saves; He is welcoming us in to take refuge in Him. Jesus demonstrates the greatest faithfulness to us.

Sermon reflection questions:

  1. Have you experienced the Lord’s faithfulness in your life? Write down a core moment that you would share if someone asked you about the Lord’s faithfulness in your life.

  2. How have you chosen to show your faithfulness to the Lord? If you have not recently, what’s been stopping you? Write these challenges down.

  3. Pray over the challenges you struggle with, while meditating on the Lord’s faithfulness that never leaves. Pray for strength and courage to overcome the sins that keep you away from approaching the Lord’s throne of grace. Confess and seek His mercy so that you can be freed to experience the unconditional love He wants to offer to you.


“The towers we build”


“Sin, grace, and the cry”